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<br />southeasterly, easterly, and northeasterly along the centerline of San Leandro Creek, as <br />said centerline is shown on last said map, to a line drawn parallel with and 175 feet <br />northeasterly, more or less measured at right angles, form the northeasterly line of said <br />Clarke Street; thence southeasterly along said parallel line to the said northwestern line of <br />Davis Street; thence southwesterly along said northwestern line of Davis Street to the <br />Point of Beginning. <br /> <br />The area added to the Plaza 2 Redevelopment Project on March 30,1981, is show <br />as AREA 3 on Exhibit B. AREA 3 is more particularly described as follows: <br /> <br />AREA 3 <br /> <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />being portions of Lots 'D;'''E;' and "F;' Block 34, and portions of San Leandro Boulevard <br />(formerly Estudillo Street), as shown on the Map of Town of San Leandro, filed February <br />27, 1855, in Book 2 of Maps, at page 43, Alameda County Records, and further described <br />as follows: <br /> <br />Beginning at a point of the northeastern line of San Leandro Boulevard, formerly <br />Estudillo Street, said point being 584.60 feet northwesterly from the intersection of said <br />line with the northwestern line of Davis Street, as said streets are shown on said map; <br />thence southwesterly at right angles to said line of San Leandro Boulevard, to the <br />southwestern line of San Leandro Boulevard, as said street is shown on said map; thence <br />northwesterly along last said line 75.40 feet to the southeastern line of Ramon Street, as <br />last said street is shown on said map; thence northeasterly along last said line to the <br />northeastern line of Lot D or Block 34 of said map; thence southeasterly along last said <br />line 75.40 feet; thence at right angles to last said line, southwesterly, 150.00 feet to the <br />Point of Beginning. <br /> <br />The area added to the Plaza 2 Redevelopment project on November 29, 1982, is <br />shown on Exhibit B and is labeled AREA 4. This area is more particularly described as <br />follows: <br /> <br />AREA 4 <br /> <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />described as follows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the intersection of the southeastern line of Davis Street with the <br />southwestern line of Carpentier Street, as said streets are shown on Map of the Town of <br />San Leandro, filed February 27, 1855, in Book 2 at page 43, Alameda County Records; <br />thence southwesterly along said line of Davis Street to the northeastern line of San <br />