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<br />Leandro Boulevard (formerly Estudillo Avenue), as last said street is shown on said map; <br />thence southeasterly along said line of San Leandro Boulevard, 11 feet, to a line drawn <br />parallel with and 11 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from the said line of <br />Davis Street; thence southwesterly along said parallel line to the northeastern line of <br />Martinez Street, as last said street is shown on said map; thence southeasterly along last <br />said line to the southeastern line of West Estudillo Avenue ( formerly Ward Street), as last <br />said street is shown on said map; thence southwesterly along said line, 558.9 feet, more <br />or less, to the southwestern line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company right-of- <br />way (100 feet wide); thence northwesterly along last said line, 393.4 feet, more or less, to <br />the said line of Davis Street; thence southwesterly along last said line, 82.7 feet, more or <br />less, to the southwestern line of said Map of the Town of San Leandro; thence <br />northwesterly along last said line, 13.1 feet, more or less, to its <br /> <br />intersection with the most northerly line of Thrasher Park (southwesterly of said Map of <br />the Town of San Leandro), as said Park was conveyed to the City of San Leandro by <br />Decree of Final Distribution No. 12,606 Superior Court of Alameda County, dated April <br />28,1915, said line of Thrasher Park being also the southern line of Davis Street (66 feet <br />wide); thence westerly along said southern line of Davis Street, 541.0 feet, more or less. <br />to its intersection with the southeasterly prolongation of a line drawn parallel with and <br />105 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line of Dabner <br />Street as said street is shown on Dabners Addition, filed May 16, 1871 in Book 2, at page <br />22, Alameda County Records, last said parallel line being also the prolongation of the <br />northeastern line of Dabners Addition; thence northwesterly along last said parallel line, <br />67.1 feet to the southeastern corner of Dabners Addition, said corner being on the <br />northern line of Davis Street (66 feet wide); thence northwesterly, continuing along last <br />said parallel line 525.0 feet, more or less, to the northern line of Lot 10, Block B of <br />Dabners Addition; thence northeasterly along the prolongation of the northwest line of <br />Lot 10, last said line being also perpendicular to Dabner Street, 139.0 feet to a line drawn <br />parallel with and 139 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the said <br />northeastern line of Dabners Addition; thence northwesterly along said parallel line, <br />285.8 feet, more or less, to the southern line of Lucille Street (formerly Williams Lane) as <br />said street is shown on Tract 717, tiled September 7, 1945, in Book 11, at pages 32 and <br />33, Alameda County Records; thence northerly, at right angles to said southern line of <br />Lucille Street, 35 feet to the northern line of Lucille Street; thence easterly along last said <br />line of Lucille Street, 103.4 feet more or less, to the most eastern corner of said Tract <br />717; thence northwesterly along the northeastern line of said Tract 717, said northeastern <br />line of Tract 717 being also parallel with and 100 feet northeasterly, measured at right <br />angles, from the northeastern line of Minerva Street as said street is shown on said Map, <br />444.8 feet, more or less, to the said southwestern line of the Southern Pacific <br />Transportation Company right-of-way; thence northwesterly along the prolongation of <br />said northeastern line of Tract 717, 29.0 feet to the southwesterly prolongation of the <br />southeastern line of Lola Street, as said street is shown on said Map of the Town of San <br />Leandro; thence northeasterly along last said prolongation and said southeastern line of <br />Lola Street, 372.9 feet, more or less, to a line drawn parallel with and 75 feet <br />northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the said southwestern line of Town of San <br />Leandro, last said parallel line being also perpendicular to Lola Street; thence <br />