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Inst 2007308838
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2007308838
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Last modified
9/12/2007 4:54:32 PM
Creation date
9/12/2007 4:54:29 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />southeast comer of Lot 36 of Tract 1078 as shown in Book 31 of Maps at Page 36, <br />Alameda Country Records; thence northerly along the east line of said Tract 1078 to the <br />northeast comer of said Tract; thence westerly along the north line of said Tract 1078 to a <br />point on the southerly line of Coelho Drive; thence northwesterly to the southeasterly <br />comer of Assessors Map Book 77D, Page 1490, Parcel 16-1, said point being on the <br />northerly line of said Coelho Drive; thence westerly along the northerly line of Coehlo <br />Drive to a point on the easterly line of Assessor Book 77D, Page 1490 Parcel 19; thence <br />southerly along the easterly line of said Parcel 19 and the southerly prolongation of the <br />easterly line of said Parcel 19 to a point on the southwesterly line of said Western Pacific <br />Railroad Right of Way; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said <br />Western Pacific Railroad Right of Way to the easterly line of Hesperian Boulevard; <br />thence northerly along the easterly line of said Hesperian Boulevard to the intersection <br />the northerly line of Louise Street; thence westerly along the northerly line of Louise <br />Street to the southeasterly comer of Lot 10 of Tract 831 as shown in Book 27 of Maps at <br />Page 59 of Alameda County Records; thence northerly and northwesterly along the <br />easterly line of said Lot 10 to the most easterly comer of Lot 9 of said Tract 831; thence <br />southwesterly along the line common to Lot 9 and Lot 10 of said Tract 831 to the <br />northeasterly line of Donna Street; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly line of <br />Donna Street to a point on the southeasterly line of Tract 769 as shown in Book 12 of <br />Maps at Page 46 and 47, Alameda County Records; thence northeasterly along said <br />southeasterly line to the southeasterly comer of said Tract 769; thence northwesterly <br />along the northeasterly line of said Tract 769 to the most easterly comer of Lot 4, Block <br />E of said Tract 769; thence southwesterly along the line common to Lots 4 and 5, Block <br />E of said Tract 769 to the northeasterly line of Donna Street; thence northwesterly along <br />the northeasterly line of Donna Street to the intersection of the southerly line of Lillian <br />Avenue; thence northeasterly along said southerly line of said Lillian Avenue to the most <br />northerly comer of Lot 1, Block E of said Tract 769 Thence northwesterly to the most <br />easterly comer of Lot 1, Block A of said Tract 769 said point being on the northerly line <br />of Lillian Avenue; thence continuing northwesterly along the northeasterly line of said <br />Lot 1 of Block A to the most northerly comer thereof; thence northeasterly along the <br />southerly line of Tract 547 as shown in Book 29 of Maps at Page 42, Alameda County <br />Records to a point on the most southerly comer of Lot 1 of said Tract 547; thence <br />northwesterly to the most westerly comer of Lot 16 of said Tract 547; thence <br />northeasterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 16 a distance of 8.00 feet; thence <br />along the southwesterly lines of Assessors Map Book 77D, Page 1468, Parcell the <br />following three (3) courses: <br /> <br />(1) thence northwesterly 8.75 feet; <br /> <br />(2) thence southwesterly 8.00 feet; <br /> <br />(3) thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said parcell and the <br />northwesterly prolongation of the southwesterly line of said parcel 1 to a point on the <br />northwesterly line of 147th Avenue; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of <br />said 147th Street to the most southerly comer of Assessors Map Book 77D, Page 1460-1 <br />parcel 8; thence northwesterly along the southerly line of parcels 8, 4, 3-2, and 2 of said <br />
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