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Encourage and participate in a meaningful dialogue with the public. EIP knows that <br />meaningful public participation is an essential component of a successful EIR. We have used a <br />variety of techniques to invite public involvement that extend beyond the typical public hearing <br />format. Thus, we can assist City staff in conducting the scoping sessions, the community <br />workshops, and the public hearings to better understand issues and concerns of stakeholders. <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />Preparing the EIR <br />One of the first steps in preparing the EIR is to meet with the City to discuss the scope and <br />direction of the EIR. During the initial phases of project work, information will be assembled or <br />developed regarding existing conditions and the proposed retail and mixed-use residential <br />project. ICI, the City, resource agencies, and others will be queried about existing conditions in <br />and around the project site, available data, current and anticipated regulations applicable to the <br />site, and construction, scheduling, and operational details of the proposed project. It will be <br />important to develop a comprehensive detailed description of both the retail shopping center and <br />the mixed-use residential project, since this description is the underpinning for all analytical <br />work. <br />Next, a thorough analysis of the proposed project will be undertaken to examine how it would <br />affect the existing environment and the City. The analysis must recognize that the site is already <br />developed and the impacts are those associated with the net new development. In addition, the <br />cumulative effects of project buildout in conjunction with other anticipated development in San <br />Leandro and the environs will be examined. <br />The sequence of tasks and activities in the preparation of the EIR is as follows: <br />^ Work with the City and ICI in the development of a succinct project description <br />^ Prepare and develop setting information that will describe the existing and future baseline <br />conditions, as well as the applicable plans, policies, and regulations <br />^ Assess the impacts of the proposed Retail Shopping Center and the Mixed-Use <br />Residential Project, using CEQA standards of significance and recommend mitigation <br />measures for those impacts considered significant or potentially significant <br />^ Identify project alternatives that feasibly attain most of the City's and ICI's objectives <br />and substantially reduces identified significant and potentially significant effects <br />^ Compile an Administrative Draft EIR (ADEIR) for internal review by City staff <br />^ Revise the ADEIR and publish a Draft EIR (DEIR) <br />^ During DEIR review, participate in public hearings to receive comments <br />^ Following the close of the review, organize and prepare the Responses to Comments <br />document and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for internal review by City <br />staff <br />^ Finalize the Responses to Comments document and the Mitigation Monitoring and <br />Reporting Program based on staff comments <br />Consulting Services Agreement between <br />City of San Leandro and EIP Associates Page l7 of 43 <br />