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Deliverables: Data request. <br />Discussion: At the outset of the EIR process, EIP will meet with City staff and ICI's project <br />team. This meeting will: <br />^ Discuss data needs to complete the environmental document <br />^ Confirm procedures for contacting the applicant team and public agencies <br />^ Review and agree on schedules and deadlines, and <br />^ Review and strategize on the public scoping meeting and other community outreach <br />efforts by ICI <br />^ Identify preliminary cumulative projects list and frame range of alternatives to consider <br />Task 3. Notice of Preparation/Initial Study and Scoping <br />Purpose: Prepare a Notice of Preparation and participate in a public scoping meeting to initiate <br />the CEQA review process. <br />Ciry Involvement: Review and comment on the Notice of Preparation and distribute to <br />appropriate agencies, organizations, and individuals; set up, announce, and run the scoping <br />meeting; review scoping meeting notes; review revised work scope and identify additional <br />revisions and supplementary work, as necessary. <br />Deliverables: (1) Notice of Preparation; (2) scoping meeting notes; and (3) Revised Scope of <br />Work if necessary. <br />Discussion: Our approach to this task is divided into three tasks: Notice of Preparation, public <br />scoping, and revised scope of work. <br />Task 3.1 Notice of Preparation. If City staff is unavailable to prepare a Notice of Preparation <br />(NOP), EIP will complete the Notice, which announces the City's intent to prepare an EIR, <br />pursuant to CEQA. <br />Task 3.2 Initial Study. EIP will prepare an Initial Study (IS) for the project based on the <br />Environmental Checklist Form in Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines. The IS will be <br />circulated with the NOP to help focus the analysis in the EIR. <br />Based on EIP's preliminary site visit, the following topics may not require further analysis in the <br />EIR: agricultural resources: biological resources (with recommended mitigation measures to <br />avoid impacts to nesting birds); cultural resources (based on the results of a records search <br />request to the Northwest Information Center); geology and soils (with a discussion of <br />construction requirements to reduce groundshaking and settlement impacts related to seismic <br />activity and the underlying bay mud); mineral resources; and recreation. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between <br />City of San Leandro and EIP Associates Page 20 of 43 <br />