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Landmark Status at 651 Juana Avenue 2 October t, 2007 <br />Previous City Council Action <br />Not applicable <br />City CounciU Committee Review and Action <br />Not applicable <br />Applicable General Plan PoIicy <br />Not applicable <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not Applicable <br />Environmental Review <br />Not Applicable <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not Applicable <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />On January 16, 2007, the Library-Historical Commission reviewed Mr. Rogala's request to <br />rescind the Landmark status of the redwood trees located at 651 Juana Avenue, San Leandro, <br />CA. After a thorough review the Library-Historical Commission recommends approval of the <br />request. <br />Summary Of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Prior to the 2003 adoption of the revised Historic Preservation Ordinance, all property owners on <br />the City's Historic Sites Register (1974) received notices of both the Library Historical <br />Commission and City Council meetings regarding proposed revision of the Historic Preservation <br />Ordinance and recommendations for City Landmark designation. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Not Applicable <br />Budget Authority <br />Not Applicable <br />Attachments <br />A. Historic Preservation Ordinance No. 2003-14, Section 4-26-1015: Procedures to Rescind a <br />City Landmark Designation <br />B. Minutes fiom January 16, 2007 Library-Historical Commission meeting <br />C. Letter from Mr. Mike Rogala and attached arborist report January 7, 2007 <br />CONCLUSION <br />The Library-Historical Commission and Staff recommend adoption of a resolution approving <br />Mr. Mike Rogala's request to rescind the Landmark status of the redwood trees on his property, <br />651 Juana Avenue, San Leandro, CA. <br />