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<br />boundaries of the Historic District, the City Council will exclude property owners that have <br />expressed a preference to opt out of the Historic District. <br />Designation of a Historic District Contributor as part of a Historic District requires owner <br />consent. <br />4-26-1000 PROCEDURES TO AMEND OR RESCIND DESIGNATION OF A-HISTORIC <br />RESOURCE <br />New information regarding the significance of a designated historic resource shall be submitted <br />to the Commission Secretary. <br />Any individual may present additional information regarding a designated historic resource. <br />Requests to rescind the designation of a historic resource shall be submitted to the Commission <br />Secretary. <br />4-26-1005 Amend Designated Resource Information <br />The Commission Secretary shall make appropriate amendments to the historic record and provide <br />a report to the Commission, with no Commission action necessary. <br />4-26-1010 Rescind Designation of a Historic Resource <br />A property owner of a designated historic resource may request the designation be rescinded if. <br />1. The resource has been lawfully altered or maintained in a manner such that it no longer <br />meets the criteria of designation or retains the integrity necessary for designation; or <br />2. Substantial new evidence indicates that the resource does not meet the applicable criteria; <br />or , <br />3. Evidence indicates that a hardship exists for the property owner due to historic resource <br />designation. <br />In addition to the criteria hereinbefore set forth, the Commission shall factor into a rescission <br />decision whether the property owner participated in a historic preservation incentive program <br />and/or benefited from the designation of said property. <br />4-26-1015 Procedures to Rescind a City Landmark Designation <br />The Library-Historical Commission shall review the request and evidence presented by the <br />property owner, and will provide recommendations to the City Council regarding a course of <br />action. <br />The City Council may approve or deny the request to rescind a City Landmark designation. <br />4-26-1020 Procedures to Rescind a Merit Resource Designation <br />The Library-Historical Commission shall review the request and evidence presented by the <br />properly owner, and may approve or deny the request to rescind a Merit Resource designation. <br />4-26-1025 Procedures to Amend or Rescind a Historic District or Historic District <br />Contributor Designation <br />7 <br />