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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />LIBRARY-HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br />TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2007 - 7:00 P.M. <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />SAN LEANDRO PUBLIC LIBRARY <br />TRUSTEES ROOM <br />PRESENT: <br />Chair D. Kaplan, Commissioners A. Lum, D. Reed, F. Reicker, C. Rinaldi, Secretary <br />D. Bohne, Library Services Manager N. Fong, Recorder T.Treskin. <br />ABSENT: <br />Commissioner U. Reed. <br />GUESTS: <br />Mike Rogala, homeowner 651 Juana Avenue. <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA: <br />Chair Kaplan asked for a motion to move New Business Item l0A to Public Comments. <br />It was MSC (Reicker/Lum) to move Agenda Item l0A to Public Comments. <br />It was MSC (Reicker/Lum) to approve the agenda of the January 16, 2007 meeting as <br />amended. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES: <br />It was MSC (Reicker/Lum) to approve the minutes of the November 21, 2006 meeting. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS: <br />Mr. Bohne asked the Commissioners to review Mr. Rogala's letter of January 7, 2007 <br />regarding the redwood trees on his property (Correspondence Item F). Mr. Rogala has <br />asked that the trees be de-listed as historic landmarks. Mr. Bohne summarized for the <br />Commission: <br />In 2003 the City Council approved a list of historic properties for City Landmark <br />designation. Mr. Rogala's redwood trees were on the list and were grandfathered based <br />on a survey done in 1974. <br />In April 2004 Mr. Rogala came to the Commission meeting and presented his letter <br />describing in detail the numerous maintenance and safety problems caused by the <br />redwood trees. He asked that the Landmark status of the trees be rescinded. Mr. Rogala <br />stated he attended some of the Commission meetings during the revision process of the <br />Historic Preservation Ordinance. However, he was neither present at the meeting when <br />the Commission approved the list of Landmarks for referral to the City Council nor did <br />he send a formal request not to be included. <br />