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Nevertheless, based on Mr. Rogala's objection to the Landmark status, recordation with <br />the Alameda County Recorder's office was placed on hold. <br />Mr. Bohne stated he has no research documentation or arborist information available to <br />explain why the redwood trees were deemed to be historically significant in 1974. <br />Mr. Mike Rogala, 651 Juana Avenue, addressed the Commission, describing the <br />numerous problems he continues to have with his redwood trees. He explained the <br />hazards, nuisances and economic burdens associated with being responsible for the trees. <br />Mr. Rogala said he likes trees, but tall redwood trees are problematic and dangerous, <br />especially during windstorms. Today a tree service company contracted by PG&E came <br />to remove a branch because a neighbor complained it had fallen on a power line. <br />Mr. Rogala stated he wants to be able to make decisions about maintaining his trees <br />without being constrained by a Landmark status. He consulted with a certified arborist <br />who estimated the age of the trees to be 50 or 60, and not more than 70, years old. Mr. <br />Rogala believes the historic status is not appropriate. <br />Chair Kaplan told Mr. Rogala he has done a thorough job of presenting his case and <br />explaining the problems with his trees. <br />Commissioner Symons said as a homeowner, Mr. Rogala should be allowed to make <br />decisions about the maintenance and safety of his property. The redwood trees do not fit <br />the criteria of Landmark status. <br />Commissioner D. Reed said if the trees were historically significant this situation would <br />be different. But there doesn't seem to be any evidence available to support historic <br />' significance of the trees. <br />Commissioner Reicker said Mr. Rogala has made a persuasive case regarding the safety <br />and economic issues associated with his trees, and he demonstrated due diligence by <br />consulting a tree expert. Commissioner Reicker said Mr. Rogala should be allowed to <br />manage his property as he sees fit. <br />It was MSC (Symons/Lum) to approve Mr. Rogala's request to rescind the Landmark <br />status of the redwood trees on his property at 651 Juana Avenue. <br />ACTIVITY REPORTS: <br />A. Library Usage--Noted. <br />B. Circulation-Mr. Bohne noted circulation figures increased this year. Our <br />Sunday circulation has started very well. <br />CORRESPONDENCE: <br />A. State Library LSTA Grant Award, 12-6-06: Commissioners Lum and Reicker <br />asked for an explanation of the LSTA Grant Award. Mr. Bohne said the Federal <br />government used to administer grant funds directly to libraries. Now it's the <br />-2- <br />