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EXHIBIT D <br />FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION THAT CHANGES <br />OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, <br />AND THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2007 EDITION, <br />ARE REASONABLY NECESSARY BECAUSE OF LOCAL CONDITIONS <br />1. In connection with the adoption by reference of the Inte~~~ational Building Code, <br />2006 Edition, and the Uniform Code for Building Conservation, 1997 Edition, as amended by the <br />State of California in that document entitled "The Califonua Building Standards Code," it is <br />hereby expressly found and determined that the following changes found in San Leandro <br />Municipal Code Chapter 7-5, Articles 1 and 8 are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, <br />geological or topographical conditions: <br />Section 7-5-160: MODIFICATIONS TO ASCE 7 Section 1614.1 ofthe Code is added to read <br />as follows: <br />1614.1 General. The text of ASCE 7 shall be modified as indicated in this Section. <br />1614.1.3 ASCE 7, Section Modify ASCE 7 Section l by amending Equation <br />12.8-5 as follows: <br />CS = 9:-9a- 0.044 Sos 1 >_ 0.01 <br />(Eq. 12.8-5) <br />1614.1.7 ASCE 7, Section 12.12.3. Replace ASCE 7 Section 12.12.3 as follows: <br />12.12.3 Minimum Building Separation. All stnlctures shall be separated from <br />adjoining structures. Separations shall allow for the maximum inelastic response <br />displacement (4,.,). ~ti, shall be determined at critical locations with consideration for <br />both translational and torsional displacements of the structure as follows: <br />M - Cd ~ntiix <br />(Equation 16-45) <br />where 5,,,,a is the calculated maximum displacement at Level x as defined in ASCE 7 <br />Section <br />