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If M~, maximum moment at mid-height of wall due to service lateral and eccentric loads, <br />including PD effects, exceed (~/3) M~~, ~s shall be calculated by Equation (14-8): <br />2 <br />2 Ma - 3 M" 2 <br />M., - 3 Mir <br />If Ma does not exceed (~/3) M~~, ~s shall be calculated by Equation (14-9): <br />IVI a <br />~s= ~ ~ ~cr (14-9~ <br />M cr <br />II/Il PYP' <br />SM~.,1 ~. <br />`r - 48E~.I.~ <br />SMnI ~. <br />" 48E~.I ~.,_ <br />Section 7-5-180: CONVENTIONAL LIGHT-FRAME CONSTRUCTION Section <br />2308.12.4 of the Code is added to read as follows: <br />(14-8) <br />2308.12.4 Braced wall line sheathing. <br />Braced wall lines shall be braced by one of the types of sheathing prescribed by Table 2308.12.4 <br />as shown in Figure 2308.93. The sum of lengths of braced wall panels at each braced wall line <br />shall conform to Table 2308.12.4. Braced wall panels shall be distributed along the length of the <br />braced wall line and start at not more than 8 feet (2438 mm) from each end of the braced wall <br />line. Panel sheathing joints shall occur over studs or blocking. Sheathing shall be fastened to <br />studs, top and bottom plates and at pane] edges occurring over blocking. Wall framing to which <br />sheathing used for bracing is applied shall be nominal 2 inch wide [actual 1 ~/~ inch (38 mm)] or <br />larger members. <br />Cripple walls having a stud height exceeding ] 4 inches (356 mm) shall be considered a story for <br />the purpose of this section and shall be~ braced as required for braced wall lines in accordance <br />with Table 2308.12.4. Where interior braced wall lines occur without a continuous foundation <br />below, the length of parallel exterior cripple wall bracing shall be one and one-half times the <br />lengths required by Table 2308.12.4. Where the cripple wall sheathing type used is Type S-W <br />and this additional length of bracing cannot be provided, the capacity of Type S-W sheathing <br />3 <br />