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Trail Slough Bridge Grant Application 2 October 1, 2007 <br />The City's Bikeway Plan identifies this project as a high priority. Furthermore, this project is <br />regional in its significance. The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) <br />ranks this project as its Countywide Bicycle Plan's number one priority. Several other regional <br />planning documents, such as the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's (MTC) Regional <br />Bicycle Plan, the East Bay Regional Park District's (EBRPD) Master Plan, and the Association <br />of Bay Area Government's (ABAG) Bay Trail Plan mention the project as well. <br />This grant will reduce the funding gap from $1,023,000 to $628,000. The City and EBRPD are <br />aggressively pursuing additional funding sources to close the remaining gap. The early phases of <br />the project, including design and environmental clearance, are fully funded by other grant <br />funding sources and are moving forward. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Not Applicable <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• On November 3, 2003 by Resolution No. 2003-222, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to apply for an Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA) <br />Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Grant for the subject project in <br />the amount of $600,000 <br />• On February 4, 2004 by Resolution No. 2004-021, the City Council approved a grant <br />agreement with ABAG to provide design services for the subject project <br />• On June 7, 2004 by Resolution No. 2004-085, the City Council approved a grant agreement <br />with ACTIA for $250,000 to provide construction services for the subject project <br />• On July 19, 2004 by Resolution No. 2004-119, the City Council approved a contractual <br />services agreement with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. to provide design services for the <br />subject project <br />• On March 19, 2007 by Resolution No. 2007-036, the City Council approved aRight-of--Entry <br />and Indemnity Agreement with the Port of Oakland related to the subject project <br />• On May 7, 2007 by Resolution No. 2007-064 the City Council authorized the City Manager <br />to file an application for an MTC Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian program grant for <br />$750,000 to help fund the subject project <br />• On July 2, 2007 by Resolution No. 2007-090, the City Council approved a grant agreement <br />with ACTIA for $750,000 to fund construction services for the subject project <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not Applicable <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />• Goal 1--Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation: Promote and accommodate alternative, <br />environmentally-friendly methods of transportation, such as walking and bicycling <br />