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EXHIBIT B <br />FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION THAT CHANGES <br />OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE <br />AND THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, <br />2007 EDITION, ARE REASONABLY NECESSARY BECAUSE OF <br />LOCAL CONDITIONS <br />1. In connection with the adoption by reference of the International Fire Code, 2006 <br />edition, as amended by the State of California in that document entitled "The California Building <br />Standards Code," it is hereby expressly found and determined that the following changes to the <br />California Building Standards Code are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, <br />geological or topographical conditions: <br />Section 3-3-250: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Section 907.3.3 is hereby amended and added to <br />the Fire Code, to read as follows: <br />(a) The following requirements shall be in additions to those set fot-th in Chapter 9. <br />(b) Buildings hereinafter constructed of all occupancy classifications except R3 (single - <br />family and duplex) and RI and R2 (multi-family, 3 or more units) not provided with <br />automatic sprinkler systems shall have installed therein an approved fire alarm system <br />electrically supervised and monitored by an approved central alarm station. <br />(c) approved central alarm station shall mean one which is listed by a nationally <br />recognized testing laboratory and in full compliance with standards of the National <br />Fire Protection Association. <br />(d) Each central alarm station shall have the capability of retransmitting alarms of fire to <br />the Alameda County Fire Department Communications Center. <br />(e) All alarm devices and components required pursuant to this Code shall be installed <br />and maintained in accordance with standards of the National Fire Protection <br />Association. <br />Section 3-3-260: AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. Section 903.2.18 is hereby added <br />to the Fire Code to read as follows; <br />(a) The following requirements shall be in addition to those set forth in Section 1003.2. <br />