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1N THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION N0.2007-131 (2318) <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 7, SECTION 8.7.120 <br />OF THE SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />RELATING TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CALMING PROGRAM <br />Recitals <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has carefully examined and reviewed the staff report and <br />proposed amendment to the San Leandro Administrative Code as it relates to the Neighborhood <br />Traffic Calming Program (NTCP). <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br />follows: <br />That Section 8.7.120 of the San Leandro Administrative Code, entitled "Neighborhood <br />Traffic Calming Program," is revised to read as follows: <br />"§8.7.120 APPROVAL REQUIREMENT. To ensure effective use of City resources, it is <br />pnident to obtain both resident and property owner approval of any proposed traffic calming <br />measures. A designated traffic calming area will be divided into two sub-areas at the discretion <br />of Engineering and Transportation Department staff. The areas are as follows: <br />(a) Focus Area (Improvement Area) -This area is the principal street(s) where traffic <br />calming has been requested and where the majority of the traffic calming improvements <br />will be implemented <br />(b) Influence Area (Neighboring Area) -This area includes the streets surrounding the Focus <br />Area where traffic may be marginally influenced or altered as a result of implementing <br />the traffic calming improvements <br />There are two requirements for implementation of the NTCP, which are as follows: <br />(a) Residents and property owners within the Focus Area must authorize the implementation <br />of the NTCP by return ballot. Acceptance of the program requires a response by at least <br />fifty percent (50%) of the issued ballots with a minimum approval rating of sixty-seven <br />percent (67%) <br />(b) Once a final traffic calming plan is recommended, both the residents and the property <br />owners must approve the plan by ballot. Approval shall be based upon the Composite <br />Voting System shown in the figure below. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the <br />issued ballots must be returned from the Focus Area to constitute a valid vote. The <br />response from the Influence Area will be evaluated using a Protest Vote method. The <br />