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more than fifty (50) cubic yards of material is moved or more than 5,000 square feet <br />is disturbed. The Ordinance requires that an erosion control and sediment plan be <br />prepared, submitted and approved by the City prior to issuance of a grading permit. <br />7. The Applicant shall pay Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI) in the <br />amount of $58,590.00 for Parcel "B" at the time of building permit issuance. <br />8. Applicant shall pay a Sewer Connection fee as required by City Ordinances and <br />regulations prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />9. The new development on Parcel "B" must comply with the Alameda Countywide <br />Clean Water Program and meet all requirements as specified in the C.3 Stormwater <br />Technical Guidance Handbook. <br />10. A Stormwater Treatment Measures Agreement shall be included with the building <br />permit submittal. This Agreement shall detail the proposed maintenance activities <br />and the intervals at which they will be conducted for each stormwater treatment <br />measure included in this project. <br />11. This project disturbs over one acre of land; therefore a State General Construction <br />Activity Permit must be obtained. Applicant shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) and <br />prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prior to issuance of a <br />building permit. <br />12. Onsite parking spaces shall be per City Standard Plan No. 600 & 602. <br />13. Stop signs shall be installed facing traffic exiting this property at both driveways. <br />14. The swing gates at the secondary entrance shall be set back at least 20' from the public <br />right-of--way. <br />15. Applicant shall remove any broken and uplifted driveway, sidewalk, curb and gutter <br />along the full project frontage and shall construct new City standard driveway, <br />sidewalk, curb and gutter in the same location and alignment as the existing facilities <br />prior to final approval of any building permits. <br />16. All abandoned driveways shall be removed and replaced with City standard sidewalk, <br />curb and gutter prior to final approval of any building permits. <br />17. Runoff from trash enclosures, recycling areas, or similar facilities shall not discharge <br />to the storm drain system. Trash enclosure areas shall be covered and designed to <br />avoid run-on to the trash enclosure area. Drains shall not be installed in the trash <br />enclosure area(s). <br />18. Sidewalks and parking lots shall be swept regularly to minimize the accumulation of <br />litter and debris. Debris resulting from pressure washing shall be trapped and <br />