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Z NATION'S CITIES WEEKLY SEPTEMBER Z4. 2007 <br />Walking To A `Green' School. Impossible New-Century Dream? <br />by Neal Peirce <br />Little Johnny and Jane are <br />back in school -but are we <br />doing our best for him or her? <br />Put aside, for a moment, "No <br />Child Left Behind" teaching <br />issues. Ask instead: How are the <br />kids getting to school? And <br />when they get there, are their <br />school buildings satisfactorily <br />"green" and healthy? <br />Watch next week - <br />Wednesday, October 3 - for <br />International Walk to School <br />Day. Then check how many kids <br />you see actually walking. In the <br />1950s and '60s, half of all chil- <br />dren walked or biked to school. <br />The latest survey count: 12 per- <br />cent walk, 2 percent bike. <br />Why the big switch? School <br />consolidations, plus rules requir- <br />ing acres of parking at new <br />school sites, have forced more <br />and more schools to cheap land <br />at the edge of town -tough <br />places to reach on foot or by <br />bike. <br />But parents' judgments (or <br />misjudgments) factor in too. <br />Sometimes it's fear that a walk- <br />ing or biking child might get in a <br />street accident. Except it now <br />turns out that driving Johnny <br />and Jane to school isn't such a <br />safe choice after all. Seventy- <br />five percent of school-trip child <br />fatalities, and 84 percent of <br />injuries, occur in passenger vehi- <br />cles. And that doesn't even <br />count parents' cars clogging <br />roadways and polluting the air <br />- especially right beside <br />schools. <br />Some parents worry about a <br />kidnapping. But child abduction <br />is mainly a milk carton phenom- <br />enon:It's horrifying when it hap- <br />pens, but actual stranger abduc- <br />tions amount to 100 to 130 a year <br />nationwide; chances of any kid <br />getting nabbed walking to <br />school are less than one in a mil- <br />lion. <br />But there is a really big dan- <br />ger: kids missing the exercise a <br />walk or bike ride provides. <br />Riding to school in a car or tak- <br />ing along school bus ride means <br />that kids are living ever more <br />sedentary lives. In the 1960s, only <br />4 percent to 5 percent of <br />American children were over- <br />weight; now the figure is several <br />times that and rising. For many <br />it's a precursor to hypertension, <br />diabetes and heart disease by <br />middle age. <br />The Safe Routes to School <br />program, begun in Denmark in <br />the 1970s, got its first U.S. <br />foothold in the Bronx borough <br />of New York City in 1997, and <br />has been spreading fast since. <br />About 300 nonprofits, govern- <br />ment agencies and schools are <br />now participating and the <br />Robert Wood Johnson <br />Foundation is supporting a mul- <br />tistate outreach. <br />Activities range from "walk- <br />ing school buses" - groups of <br />children led to school by a par- <br />ent - to lobbying local govern- <br />ments to build or widen side- <br />walks, establish clearly marked <br />paths or bike lanes separated <br />from roads, lower traffic speeds <br />on school routes and establish <br />safer crosswalks. <br />Congress in 2005 even <br />appropriated $612 million to <br />foster safer routes. If the initia- <br />tive works, a first payoff may be <br />healthier kids. But better learn- <br />ing, too. Exercise is proven to <br />sharpen concentration, memo- <br />ry, learning, creativity, even <br />mood. How better to arrive at <br />school? <br />But what kind of school? A <br />huge weight of evidence now <br />indicates that schools construct- <br />ed - or refurbished - to <br />today's new "green" standards <br />provide a stunning array of ben- <br />efits. <br />What's the definition of <br />"green"? The design needs to <br />start with good lighting to <br />In the 195Os and '6Os, half of all children <br />walked or biked to school. The latest <br />survey count: 12 percent walk, 2 percent <br />bike. <br />encourage students to stay <br />awake and on task -and there- <br />by feel good. This principle is <br />called daylighting -smart solar <br />orientation of the building, then <br />controlled admission of maxi- <br />mum natural light through win- <br />dows and skylights. <br />Plus, kids can breathe easier <br />because the building has cleaner <br />air - important for children <br />who, because of their small size <br />and rapid respiration rate, <br />breathe a greater volume of air <br />proportionately than adults. The <br />air is made cleaner by good ven- <br />tilation and using toxic-free, <br />recyclable materials. <br />With reduced energy and <br />water use, green schools save <br />sufficient operating costs to <br />make up fairly quickly for the <br />premium in cost (averaging <br />about 2 percent) of their higher- <br />quality construction. But the <br />improved designs make them so <br />attractive and pleasant that stu- <br />dent absenteeism and vandalism <br />drop while faculty and staff per- <br />formance improve. <br />Some green schools even <br />carry the theme outdoors with <br />vegetative roofs and gardens to <br />help students understand and <br />value their connection to the <br />natural world. <br />A lot is cooking on the green <br />schools front. California and <br />seven other states -New York, <br />Massachusetts, Washington, <br />Vermont, New Hampshire, <br />Maine, Rhode Island and <br />Connecticut - have adopted <br />the so-called "Collaborative for <br />High Performance Schools" cri- <br />teria. Sixty schools nationwide <br />have won the valued "LEED" <br />environmental rating of the U.S. <br />Green Building Council. <br />National organizations repre- <br />senting local officials are also in <br />the mix. The National League of <br />Cities, through its Institute for <br />Youth, Education, and Families, <br />is helping municipal leaders pro- <br />mote walking, biking, and safe <br />routes to school as part of <br />broader efforts to combat child- <br />hood obesity. At the federal <br />level, the U.S. Conference of <br />Mayors is urging Congress to <br />provide funding for green <br />school demonstration projects <br />that provide evidence of their <br />environmental, economic and <br />health benefits. <br />But thousands of U.S. school <br />districts rumble along with their <br />same old off-the-shelf, lowest- <br />possible-cost school designs. <br />Towns resist paying for side- <br />walks or new pathways. And I've <br />heard school administrators <br />scoff - "Today's kids want to <br />drive or be driven. You can't <br />change it." <br />Well, perhaps we must. <br />Neal Peirce's e-mail address is <br /> <br />© 2007, The Washington Post <br />Writers Group <br />The opinions expressed in this <br />column are not necessarily those <br />of the National League of Cities <br />or Nation's Cities Weekly. <br />