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voting on something at this meeting and Sally responded that the presentation was <br />informational for the committee. More information would be put together for the <br />committee to review before presenting it to City Council for approval. <br />Mayor Santos asked if there was a list available of materials that are considered green or <br />an accredited list of such materials. A discussion ensued regarding what is considered <br />green materials. Sally offered to put something together for the committee. Karen <br />advised of a website with information; www.builditgreen.or~ <br />2. Discussion Regarding Comcast System Upgrades <br />Comcast did not show up for the meeting. The item was not discussed. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Westgate / I-880 <br />Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Westgate / I-880 project and <br />the proposed cul-de-sac for Timothy Street. <br />A discussion ensued regarding possible reactions from the affected community. <br />Councilmember Souza asked who would vote if the property in question was a rental <br />property. Uche explained that both the renter as well as the homeowner would have an <br />opportunity to vote. Councilmember Souza suggested she would be interested to see <br />crime statistics for cul-de-sacs for the residents to see the benefits. Mayor Santos asked <br />when the ballots were being mailed out and when the deadline for the vote is scheduled. <br />The information is scheduled to be mailed out on Friday and the vote deadline has been <br />set for October 15th. There is a Town Meeting being held October 11th. Uche explained <br />the residents can vote on their own or they have the opportunity to attend the Town <br />Meeting and then vote. Both Mayor Santos and Councilmember Souza expressed that the <br />deadline for the vote should be extended. They didn't feel there was enough time for the <br />community to organize for and/or against the proposal. The deadline for the ballot vote <br />was extended to November 1, 2007. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Transportation Plan <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Transportation Plan/Processes <br />that are on-going. He explained the various acronyms and funding available through <br />those organizations. A discussion ensued about the Local Area Transportation <br />Improvement Plan (LATIP) funds for the I-238 area that includes Hayward, San Leandro, <br />the County and the possible projects the funding would be used for. John commented to <br />Keith that based on his presentation, the City of San Leandro is hoping to see $60 <br />million. Keith responded that, that's what they are shooting for. Councilmember <br />Gregory asked if our State Legislature intercedes about who gets what percentage of the <br />funds. A discussion ensued regarding Councilmember Gregory's question. Mayor <br />Santos commented about discussions at the Mayors' meetings and soliciting help with the <br />distribution of funds with the Mayor of Hayward and the Mayor of Union City. If all <br />