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Finance Highlights 2007 0925
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Finance Highlights 2007 0925
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10/11/2007 4:23:14 PM
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10/11/2007 4:23:13 PM
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_CC Agenda 2007 1015
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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO LIVING WAGE ORDINANCE <br />5. Are there any other required employee benefits specified? <br />Yes. It specifies that employees must receive at least 22 days off per year (calendar) for sick <br />leave, vacation, holiday, or personal necessity. At least 12 of the required days off shall be <br />compensated at the same rate as regular compensation while 10 of the required 22 days <br />may be uncompensated days off. Part-time employees shall be entitled to accrue <br />compensated days off in increments proportional to that accrued by full-time employees. <br />Employees shall be eligible to use accrued days off after the first 6 months of satisfactory <br />employment or in accordance with the employer's policy, whichever is sooner. <br />6. What types of employee's are covered by the Ordinance? And does it cover full-time <br />and part-time employees? <br />Employees spending at least 25% of their work time on a City of San Leandro contract are <br />covered, as long as they work for a business applicable under the terms of a covered <br />agreement or contract. Both part-time and full-time employees are covered if they meet <br />those criteria. Please see "Guidelines for Compliance" for additional detail. <br />7. What types of businesses are covered by the San Leandro Living Wage Ordinance? <br />The Living Wage Ordinance applies to entities providing services to the City of San Leandro <br />via contractor agreement, lessees of the City and recipients of City financial aide. Please <br />see "Guidelines for Compliance" for the thresholds and criteria for each type of employer, <br />lessee, financial aid recipient, or subcontractor and lessee. <br />8. Does the Living Wage Ordinance apply to sub-contractors or sub-lessees? <br />Subcontractor's and sub-lessee's are also subject to the same living wage provisions and <br />requirements as the primary employer or lessee. <br />9. Does the Living Wage Rate affect tenants of a financial aid recipient? <br />It depends on the circumstances, for example, if a developer receives a $500,000 city loan <br />to rehab a commercial building and the tenants pay the market rate, they would not be <br />subject to the LWO. However, the benefitting developer or business (and successors) would <br />be subject to the LWO. <br />10. What types of employees are exempt? <br />The Ordinance shall not be applicable to employees under 18 years of age, volunteers, <br />qualified temporary employees working for the City of San Leandro, other government <br />employees, employees that participate in a job training program, a qualified disabled <br />employees covered by asub-minimum wage certificate or equivalent, interns or employees <br />receiving academic credit through a job training program, employees already subject to the <br />States prevailing wage requirement, employees while working stand-by or on-call duty, and <br />Living Wage Ordinance Page 4 <br />
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