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Council Member Starosciak commented on the positive report and clarified that the City will <br />begin makirig Alameda County Fire contract payments quarterly and in arrears starting October <br />2007, as opposed to advance monthly payments. Baloca also highlighted an additional cash flow <br />benefit to the City by mentioning that Alameda County Fire's monthly prepaid rent for City Hall <br />office space will also be prepaid quarterly beginning October 2007. <br />4. Report on 2007 Cherry Festival Event and Related Expenditures <br />Recreation and Human Services Director Knudtson reported that the Cherry Festival was a <br />success and under budget. Knudtson further commented that the downtown location appeared to <br />enable better access to the public with strollers and wheelchairs, as compared to the Marina <br />location. Knudtson recommended that next year's event again take place in the downtown area <br />and remain a single day event. Knudtson speculated that an estimated 8,500 to 10,000 people <br />attended the event but could not confirm since there was no official count. Vice Mayor Grant <br />suggested that next year's event includes conducting a head count along with surveys to <br />determine where people were coming from. Knudtson named various places where attendee's <br />traveled from to attend the festival and clarified that next year's Cherry Festival event is <br />scheduled for May 31, 2008. Finance Committee recommended forwarding the report to City <br />Council. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Proposed City Council Community Empowerment Fund <br />City Manager Jermanis gave a history overview of the City Council Community Empowerment <br />Fund also known as the City Council Community Fund. Jermanis explained that the former <br />Mayor generated approximately $14,000/year through fund raising during her annual golf <br />tournament. Going forward, Jermanis clarified that the word "Empowerment" should be <br />removed from the title description of the fund. Community Relations Representative Ornelas <br />explained how the fund started in year 2000 and that each Council Member was given $5,000 per <br />year to be used towards individual choices. As budgets got tighter, new funding was no longer <br />added to the annual budget planning process but unspent funds were carried over from previous <br />years. Ornelas clarified that Districts 1, 4, 5 and 6 still had carryover funds remaining. <br />City Manager Jermanis wants the Finance Committee to know who should be receiving these <br />funds and how they are to be dispersed. In response to Vice Mayor Grants question on how new <br />organizations can get on the approved list, Jermanis explained that the list can be expanded to <br />include new organizations based on his review, which would later be brought to the City Council <br />for approval. Jermanis also explained that after receiving a request he could also bring it to the <br />Finance Committee for review and determination of whether the organization is qualified to be <br />on the list. Councilmember Starosciak relayed a concern regarding private use of public funds <br />and her question on how an organization becomes classified as being qualified for these funds. <br />In response, Assistant Attorney Stuart explained that the State is fairly lenient as longs as it can <br />be articulated how the funds contribute to the public good. Jermanis stated that unspent funds <br />will no longer be carried over since new amounts will be added to the budget every year. The <br />annual proposed funding amounts are $2,500 for Council Members and $5,000 for Mayor. The <br />new City Council Community Fund will go into effect January 1, 2008 and be funded for half the <br />annual amount since the 2007-08 Budget would be half over. Assistant City Manager Hollister <br />and Community Relations Representative Ornelas will develop administrative guidelines for <br />Finance Committee review and City Council approval. <br />3 <br />