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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: October 4, 2007 <br />To: City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />From: Stephen Hollister, Assistant City Manager <br />By: Marian Handa, City Clerk <br />Subject: INFORMATION FOR COMMITTEE'S DISCUSSION REGARDING <br />CONTRACTING WITH A STATE LOBBYIST <br />SUMMARY <br />This matter was first discussed by the Rules and Communications Committee at its meeting on <br />July 5, 2007. At that meeting, the Committee requested that staff survey the cities of Hayward, <br />Dublin, Pleasanton, Oakland, Berkeley and Hercules, to determine what lobbyist firm they use, <br />for what purposes, and what the lobbyist has been able to accomplish for them. The requested <br />information is contained in this report. <br />BACKGROUND <br />At the request of the Committee, staff contacted the cities of Hayward, Dublin, Pleasanton, <br />Oakland, Berkeley and Hercules. The cities were asked what lobbyist firm they use, for what <br />purposes, and what the lobbyist has been able to accomplish for them. The cities of Dublin and <br />Pleasanton were contacted and indicated that they do not use the services of a lobbyist. The <br />information on the other cities follows. <br />City: Hayward <br />Lobbyist: California Strategies & Advocacy, LLC <br />Purpose: Primarily focused on transportation and the 238 Corridor <br />Accomplishments: Helped shape the law to keep the 238 funds within Alameda County; <br />working with city and ACTIA for a funding plan for an alternative to the <br />238 freeway. <br />