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Adjacent buildings on the same property shall be separated by at least a distance <br />OMT, where <br />~MT= ~ ~ M1~ 2 + ~ ~ M2~ a (Equation 16-46) <br />and 4M, and ~,~ are the maximum inelastic response displacements of the adjacent <br />buildings. <br />Where a structure adjoins a property line not common to a public way, the <br />structure shall also be set back from the property line by at least the displacement, <br />4M, of that structure. <br />Exception: Smaller separations or property line setbacks shall be permitted when <br />justified by rational analyses. <br />Section 7-5-170: MODIFICATIONS TO ACI 318. Section 1908.1 of the Code is added to <br />read as follows: <br />1908.1 General. The text of ACI 318 shall be modified as indicated in Sections 1908.1.1 <br />through ' °-~-~ 40~--~ 1908.1.17. <br />1908.1.17 ACI 318, Section 14.8. Modify ACI 318 Section 14.8.3 and 14.8.4 replacing <br />equation (14-7), (14-8) and (14-9). <br />1. Modify equation (14-7) of ACI 318 Section 14.8.3 as follows: <br />I~~ shall be calculated by Equation (14-7), and Ma shall be obtained by iteration of <br />deflections. <br />ES Pu h lā€ž,c3 <br />\` fy 2d ! 3 <br />and the value ESB~ shall not be taken less than 6. <br />2. Modify ACI 318 Sec, 14.8.4 as follows: <br />14.8.4 -Maximum out-of--plane deflection, ~~, due to service loads, including PA effects, <br />shall not exceed 1~/150. <br />If Ma, maximum moment at mid-height of wall due to service lateral and eccentric loads, <br />including PD effects, exceed (z/3) Mir, 0S shall be calculated by Equation (14-8): <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2007-022 23 <br />