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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 5 <br />October 15, 2007 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />Communication System (EBRCS) and as alternate to the nominating committee. Mayor <br />Santos indicated that Councilmember Prola will attend both the Airport Noise Forum <br />and EBDA meetings this week on his behalf. <br /> <br />B. Reports on Conferences and Seminars <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant reported that she attended the Local Governmen <br />symposium on sustainability along with Councilmember Gregory. She commented that <br />it was a very informative program. A series of dinner meetings on various development <br />related issues is scheduled over the next several months. <br />C. Reports on City Council Committees <br /> <br />1. City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee Meeting of <br />Accepted as submitted. <br />October 1, 2007. <br /> <br />2. Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of September 26, 2007. <br />Accepted as submitted. <br /> <br /> <br />Accepted as submitted. <br />3. Finance Committee Meeting of September 25, 2007. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos inquired about the Empowerment Fund item. Mr. Jermanis <br />indicated that the Committee asked staff to develop guidelines for use of City <br />Council Community Funds. These guidelines will be reviewed and discussed at <br />the next Finance Committee meeting. <br /> <br />Accepted as <br />4. Rules and Communications Committee Meeting of October 4, 2007. <br />submitted. <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza commented on the CGI Community Video project. She <br />noted that although the project would not cost the City, businesses would pay to <br />sponsor the project. Councilmember Souza commented that the City provided a <br />list of potential businesses to CGI, and she asked how much it would cost for <br />businesses to sponsor the project. Mr. Jermanis clarified that the City did not <br />provide a list of businesses to CGI. CGI contacted businesses throughout the City <br />to either sponsor the project or to have a video clip of their business on the <br />website. Mr. Jermanis quoted the costs to businesses to sponsor the project and <br />for a video clip, and noted that participation by businesses is totally voluntary. <br />Councilmember Souza asked if the project would move forward regardless of the <br />number of sponsors secured. Mr. Jermanis indicated that it would. <br /> <br />Accepted as <br />5. Shoreline-Marina Committee Meeting of October 9, 2007. <br />submitted. <br /> <br /> <br />Mayor Santos commented that he has received a number of requests to add names <br />to the list of potential Shoreline-Marina Area developers, as well as concerns <br />expressed regarding one or more of the names currently on the list. Mayor Santos <br /> <br />