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BID funded shuttle program and made several recommendations that have since been <br />implemented. <br />John Dlugosh and Dora Wong have agreed to continue serving on the Board. Maria Elena Ross <br />is no longer available; as a consequence, a replacement is needed. As a result, City staff <br />conducted a recruitment effort to procure a third business representative to serve on the advisory <br />board. In this, recruitment letters were sent to the forty largest employers within the BID <br />assessment area, explaining the requirements and parameters of the advisory board position. As a <br />result of this recruitment effort, Jay McMahon has agreed to serve on the Board. Mr. McMahon <br />currently serves as Vice President of Operations for Rolls Wood Group's regional facility in San <br />Leandro. <br />The recommended appointees are familiar with the BID, represent both large and small <br />businesses, are geographically dispersed along the shuttle route, and are available to meet and <br />make a recommendation to the City Council. In making their recommendation to the City <br />Council, the Board will conduct a review of how BID funds were spent in the 2006-07 fiscal <br />year, and whether the proposed assessment for 2007-08 is fair, reasonable, and consistent with <br />the provisions of the BID ordinance. It is anticipated that the Advisory Board will meet <br />sometime in November and submit their recommendation to the City Council at a Council <br />meeting in December, 2007. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• Minute Order 2005-043, adopted October 3, 2005, approving the three business <br />representatives to the West San Leandro Business Improvement District Advisory Board. <br />Minute Order No. 2006-039, adopted July 17, 2006, approving the appointment of three <br />business representatives to the West San Leandro Business Improvement District Advisory <br />Board for 2006-07. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />The Business Development Committee discussed the make-up of the BID Advisory Board at <br />their meeting of July 21, 2005. The Committee expressed their interest in seeing a broader <br />recruitment effort for board members and a desire for gender diversity among its membership as <br />well as diversity in terms of size of businesses represented. <br />Current City Council Policy: N/A <br />Applicable General Plan Policy: N/A <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted: N/A <br />Environmental Review: N/A <br />Code Compliance Review: N/A <br />Board/Commission Findings: N/A <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts: N/A <br />FiscalImpact: N/A <br />