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Highlights City and San Lorenzo Unified School District Liaison Committee Page 3 <br />improve student achievement and decrease special education referrals. The program <br />provides screening to identify at-risk students and curriculum aimed at bringing <br />students up to state standards. An RTI pilot was implemented for K-3~d grade <br />students at Bay and Del Rey Elementary Schools, and has since been expanded to <br />four schools. Dr. Byas reported that other schools have indicated interest in <br />participating in the RTI program, and expansion of the program will require an <br />increase in staffing. <br />Dr. Byas reported on other programs, such as the AVID program, which the District <br />is considering reinstating; the success of the Small Learning Communities; and <br />collaboration with Chabot College on the Early College Program, in which students <br />could earn college credits while attending high school. <br />Dr. Byas and Mr. Jermanis have been discussing ideas for potential future joint use <br />projects, and will present the ideas at a future Committee meeting. <br />Discussion Re ag rding Joint School Board and City Council Meeting <br />Mr. Jermanis commented that the City Council and School Board try to hold a joint <br />meeting a couple of times a year. He suggested January or February as a possible <br />timeframe for the next joint meeting. <br />Mr. Jermanis also stated that the San Leandro School Board had suggested a meeting <br />between both School Boards and the City Council. He indicated that he would work <br />with Dr. Byas to develop and agenda for such a meeting. Members were supportive <br />of the idea, commenting that such a meeting would facilitate dialogue and <br />information sharing among the groups. Mr. Jermanis suggested that there are areas, <br />such as disaster preparedness, where the agencies would need to work <br />collaboratively. <br />6. Public Comments <br />None. <br />7. Committee Member Comments <br />Board Member Polvorosa commented that it is a pleasure working with the City. <br />8. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. <br />