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(d) Additional standards specifically defining the placement requirements may be <br />declared by the Director, and such standards must be consistent with the findings, intent <br />and purpose of this Chapter. <br />Article 5. Display of Harmful Matter <br />5-6-500. Prohibition <br />No newsrack shall exhibit or display harmful matter in a public place from which minors <br />are not excluded, unless Opaque Displays have been installed so that the lower two- <br />thirds of the matter are not exposed to public view. No person shall knowingly exhibit, <br />display, or cause to be exhibited or displayed, harmful matter in any newsrack located in <br />a public place from which minors are not excluded, unless Opaque Displays have been <br />installed so that the lower two-thirds of the matter is not exposed to public view. <br />Article 6. Abatement of Violations <br />5-6-600. In General <br />A newsrack in violation of this Chapter may be removed, repaired or maintained by the <br />City at the direction of the Director in accordance with the provisions of this Article. A <br />violation of this Chapter, including any continuing violation as set forth in Municipal <br />Code Section 1-12-140, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. In addition to the <br />remedies for nuisance abatement provided in Chapter 1-12 herein, the City expressly <br />reserves the right to utilize other enforcement remedies found within specific chapters of <br />the Code, remedies available under any applicable state or federal statute or pursuant <br />to any other lawful power the City may possess. All such remedies shall be alternative <br />to or in conjunction with, and not exclusive of, one another. The election of remedies <br />provided by this Chapter shall be at the sole discretion of the City and its officials. <br />5-6-605. Notice of Violation <br />Except as otherwise provided in this Article, before the City takes action to remove, <br />repair or maintain a newsrack, the City shall notify the newsrack operator by written <br />notice sent to the newsrack operator's last known address and posted on the newsrack, <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2005-004 1 0 <br />