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Ord 2005-004
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2005-004
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Last modified
11/5/2007 10:33:41 AM
Creation date
11/5/2007 10:33:40 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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(b) Following a hearing pursuant to Section 5-6-615 in which the Director (or his or <br />her designee) finds the newsrack in violation of this Chapter and orders its removal, <br />repair or maintenance, the newsrack operator responsible for such newsrack fails to <br />remedy the violation or to appeal the decision within ten (10) days after receiving notice <br />of such decision. <br />5-6-625. Use of Deposit <br />If the City repairs, maintains or removes a newsrack pursuant to this Article 6, the City <br />may use the Deposit in order to pay for such repairs, maintenance, or removal of the <br />newsrack, including the cleaning of any debris or discarded material in the immediate <br />vicinity of the newsrack and which the Director determines, in his/her reasonable <br />discretion, is attributable to that newsrack. If the City uses the Deposit or any portion <br />thereof for the above purposes, the newsrack operator shall be required to replenish the <br />Deposit to the full amount within thirty (30) days upon written notice thereof from the <br />City. Failure to replenish the Deposit as required by this Section will constitute a <br />violation of this Chapter, and may result in nonrenewal or revocation of the newsrack <br />operator's permit, and/or removal of the newsrack. <br />5-6-630. Abandoned Newsrack <br />Any newsrack which has been left empty for a period of thirty (30) days shall be <br />deemed abandoned, except a newsrack remaining empty due to a labor strike or other <br />extraordinary interruption of distribution of the publication distributed from that <br />newsrack. If the abandoned newsrack is in the Special Newsrack Districts, the City may <br />remove any remaining materials from the newsrack, following thirty (30) days after the <br />City has sent written notice to the newsrack operator's last known address and posted <br />notice on the newsrack that the newsrack has been deemed abandoned and the permit <br />is subject to cancellation pursuant to this section. If the abandoned newsrack is outside <br />of the Special Newsrack Districts, the City may remove the abandoned newsrack from <br />public property or a public right-of-way following thirty (30) days after the City has sent <br />written notice to the newsrack operator's last known address and posted notice on the <br />newsrack that the newsrack has been deemed abandoned and is subject to removal <br />pursuant to this section. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2005-004 12 <br />
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