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5-6-205. Permit Application <br />Application for a newsrack permit shall be made to the Director or his/her designee on <br />the form provided by the City. Each newsrack permit application shall include and be <br />accompanied by the following: <br />(a) The name, address and telephone number of the applicant and the person(s) <br />responsible for placement, installation, and maintenance of the newsrack(s); <br />(b) The number of newsracks to be placed or installed; <br />(c) A description of the proposed location for placement or installation of each <br />newsrack, sufficiently detailed to demonstrate conformity with the requirements of this <br />Chapter; <br />(d) The type or brand of newsrack, including a description sufficiently detailed to <br />demonstrate conformity with the requirements of this Chapter; <br />(e) A nonrefundable fee, in the amount established by resolution or ordinance of the <br />City Council; <br />(f) Evidence of insurance in an amount and form acceptable to the City's Risk <br />Manager; <br />(g) An indemnification agreement pursuant to Section 5-6-710 of this Chapter; and <br />(h) Identification of the size of each newsrack insert, if the proposed location of the <br />newsrack is within the Special Newsrack Districts. <br />(i) The Deposit, which shall be in the form of cash, certified or cashier's check <br />payable to the City. The deposit shall be refunded to the newsrack operator within thirty <br />(30) days of expiration, nonrenewal or revocation of the permit. <br />5-6-210. Review and Action on Application <br />Applications will be processed in the order received. The content or viewpoint of the <br />material to be distributed from a newsrack shall not be considered in reviewing and <br />acting on the application. Upon receipt of a complete application, a newsrack permit <br />shall be issued within fifteen (15) business days if the type of newsrack and location <br />proposed meet the standards set forth in this Chapter, except as otherwise provided in <br />Article 3 of this Chapter. If newsrack spaces applied for exceed newsrack spaces <br />available, the Director shall determine procedures for the allocation of newsrack spaces <br />by lottery or other method of random, content-neutral selection, and shall issue permits <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2005-004 5 <br />