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5-6-310. Permit Required <br />Application for a newsrack permit for newsracks to be placed or installed on public <br />property or in a public right-of-way within the Special Newsrack Districts shall be made <br />in accordance with Article 2 of this Chapter, except that if newsrack spaces applied for <br />exceed newsrack spaces available within a modular newsrack, the Director shall <br />determine procedures for the allocation of newsrack spaces by lottery or other method <br />of random, content-neutral selection, and shall issue permits accordingly. <br />Article 4 -Newsrack Requirements <br />5-6-400. Size and Appearance <br />Any newsrack which rests, in whole or in part, upon or within public property or a public <br />right-of-way, or which projects onto, into or over public property or a public right-of-way <br />shall comply with the requirements of this Article, or as subsequently modified by the <br />Director, and with the following standards: <br />(a) Newsracks shall not exceed sixty (60) inches in height, including pedestal, <br />measured from the ground to the top of the surface of the newsrack, not more than two <br />(2) feet deep and not more than thirty (30) inches wide. <br />(b) Newsracks shall be painted the color or manufactured in the color specifically <br />designated by the Director, samples of which shall be provided to all permit applicants. <br />(c) No advertising signs or material shall be displayed on the exterior of a newsrack <br />other than those associated with the name of the publication contained therein. <br />(d) A notice shall be affixed to each newsrack providing the name and address of the <br />newsrack operator, including a current telephone number for reporting a malfunction <br />and for obtaining a refund in the event of a malfunction of acoin-return mechanism. <br />(e) Additional standards specifically defining size and appearance requirements may <br />be declared by the Director, and such standards must be consistent with the findings, <br />intent and purpose of this Chapter. Notice must be given to all permitted newsrack <br />operators within a reasonable time before any changes to the standards in this Section <br />5-6-400 take effect. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2005-004 7 <br />