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(1) Single-family residences that are occupied; <br />(2) Multi-family residences that are occupied; or <br />(3) Food establishments in operation. <br />(4) Nothing in this section shall preclude the property owner from establishing <br />combined collection services for all tenants at a commercial and/or multifamily residential <br />property. <br />(c) To obtain an exemption, the person must: <br />(1) Send a written exemption request to the City's franchisee within fifteen (15) days of <br />occupying the property or within fifteen (15) days of notification from the City or its <br />franchisee that collection services are required; and <br />(2) Provide sufficient written documentation that they are disposing of all solid waste, <br />recyclables, and green waste in a manner provided in Section 3-6-220(a). Sufficient <br />documentation includes but is not limited to disposal facility receipts, recycling center <br />receipts, written agreements to share services provide by the City's franchisee, and written <br />agreements from persons collecting and transporting materials at no charge as provided in <br />Section 3-6-320(a); <br />(d) The City may revoke the exemption at the request of the City's franchisee in the <br />event that one of the following occurs: <br />(1) That the person is found to be in violation of Chapter 3-1 or any other applicable <br />provisions of this Code; or <br />(2) That the property changes ownership and/or occupancy. <br />3-6-230 LIMITATIONS ON DISCARDING SOLID WASTE, <br />RECYCLABLES, AND GREEN WASTE. <br />(a) Except as otherwise provided herein, no person shall discard solid waste, <br />recyclables, and green waste by: <br />(]) Placing a container for such materials or allowing such a container to remain in <br />any public place; <br />(2 j Burying any such materials, except as part of home composting; <br />(3) Collecting, removing, disposing of, or hauling such materials without first <br />obtaining a franchise or permit from the City; <br />(4) Bunting any such materials; <br />(5) Hindering access of employees of the City or its franchisee to a container for such <br />materials; <br />(6) Permitting any such material to be dumped or deposited on or in any street, <br />sidewalk, gutter or storm drain, or in a manner that such material or runoff from it would <br />end up in any storm drain, in accordance with Chapter 3-15 of this Code; <br />~(7) Placing any hazardous waste, household hazardous waste, medical and infectious <br />waste, or special waste, as defined herein, in any container for solid waste, recyclables, <br />or green waste; or <br />(8) Placing any material originating from a private property in, on top of, or alongside <br />the City's public containers, provided, however, that pedestrians or other persons using the <br />streets or public places shall be permitted to deposit in said containers miscellaneous small <br />articles of waste materials carried by them. <br />(b) No person shall discard any solid waste, recyclables, or green waste except at a <br />duly authorized disposal site or transfer station. The foregoing shall not, however, <br />prevent the discarding of earth, rock, concrete, cement, gravel, sand, ashes, clay, loam, <br />and other noncombustible inorganic refuse when used for purposes of fill as part of a <br />~)RI)INnN(,~ NO. ?005-012 5 <br />