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A person awarded an exclusive franchise or contract by the City for collection of solid <br />waste, recyclables, and green waste shall provide, at a minimum, the following services <br />to customers and the City. <br />(a) The person awarded an exclusive franchise or contract by the City shall provide <br />all residential property in the City with regular collection of solid waste, recyclables, and <br />green waste. The franchisee shall provide the owner, occupant, or manager of residential <br />property with containers in which to discard such materials. If the owner or occupant of a <br />single-family residence is physically unable to place discarded materials at the <br />appropriate place for collection, the franchisee shall provide backyard service at no <br />additional charge. <br />(b) The person awarded an exclusive franchise or contract by the City shall provide <br />all commercial establishments in the City with regular collection of solid waste and <br />recyclables. The containers that commercial establishments use for discarding such <br />materials and the locations at which such establishments place the containers shall both <br />be agreeable to the City's franchisee or contractor. <br />(c) The person awarded an exclusive franchise or contract by the City shall provide <br />collection services to debris boxes on an on-call basis. The franchisee or contractor shall <br />respond to a call for debris box service by the end of the next business day. <br />(d) Upon request of a resident or business and for a special fee, the franchisee or <br />contractor shall provide other services, including but not limited to bulky waste <br />collection, at times other than the regularly scheduled solid waste collection. <br />(e) Upon the request of City, the contractor or franchisee shall provide, at no cost, <br />collection and disposal of solid waste and collection and recycling of recyclables at up to <br />five (5) City-sponsored events each year. Such service shall include the provision and <br />emptying of containers for and during the events in a manner that ensures the public will <br />be able to use such containers. Such events may last more than one day. <br />(~ The franchisee may refuse to collect solid waste, recyclables, and green waste <br />from and shall not be obligated to continue to provide service to any customer that, after <br />a minimum of two (2) warnings, fails to set out the materials properly. The accumulation <br />of solid waste, recyclables, and green waste on the property of such a customer may <br />constitute an abatable nuisance under the San Leandro Community Preservation <br />Ordinance. <br />3-6-320 NO UNAUTHORIZED COLLECTION. <br />(a) It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Code for any person other than the <br />City's exclusive franchisee or contractor to collect solid waste, recyclables, or green <br />waste, with the following exceptions: <br />(1) The owner, occupant, or manager of a residential property may collect and <br />transport solid waste and green waste generated on the property to an authorized disposal <br />facility. Owners, occupants, and managers of residential properties that self-haul such <br />materials, as provided for in this section, may not contract with anyone other than the <br />City's franchisee for transport services. <br />(2~ 7~he owner, occupant, or manager of a residential property may sell or donate <br />recyclable materials generated on the property to any party of the person's choice, <br />including collecting such materials and transporting them to a recycling center. For the <br />purposes of this section, donate means to give without receiving any compensation or <br />consideration of any nature, whether monetary or otherwise. <br />OR[)INANCC NO. 2005-012 7 <br />