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Proposed Zoning Code Amendment to add Article 32 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />D. To ensure that converted non-residential units have a high standard of <br />appearance, building quality, and safety. <br />5-3204 Definitions <br />As used in this article, terms and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed: <br />A. Non-residential Buildina(s): Anon-residential (commercial, industrial or <br />other) building(s) or complex in which individual units are rented or leased <br />rather than owned separately. <br />B. Condominium: An individual interest in common in a portion of real <br />property, coupled with a separate interest in space called a unit. <br />C. Tenant or Existing Tenant: A person or persons renting or leasing a non- <br />residential unit as of the date of the mailing by certified mail to the tenant <br />the notice of intention to convert. <br />5-3206 Application Requirements and Procedures <br />In addition to the applicable subdivision requirements and procedures set forth in Title VII, <br />Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, anon-residential condominium conversion <br />shall be subject to the additional requirements of this Code. Such conversions must <br />obtain a Zoning Permit pursuant to Article 21. Any tentative map or parcel map that <br />proposes to convert aNon-residential Building or Buildings to Condominiums shall be <br />accompanied by an application for a Zoning Permit pursuant to this article. <br />The following procedures and regulations shall apply to Zoning Permit applications for <br />non-residential condominium conversion: <br />A. Department Review. The Zoning Enforcement Official (ZEO) shall review <br />applications for non-residential condominium conversions as an <br />administrative approval for a Zoning Permit. A publicly noticed <br />administrative hearing may be conducted, at -the discretion of the ZEO, <br />should the ZEO determine that a particular application raises significant City <br />policy issues. <br />B. Application for Conversion Required. No person shall convert or cause the <br />conversion of anon-residential building to a condominium without submittal <br />of an application and approval of a Zoning Permit for the condominium <br />conversion application by the Zoning Enforcement Official, or, upon referral, <br />by the Planning Commission. <br />AR.32 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />