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MINUTES Page 6 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meering-October 15, 2007 <br />encouraged the members of the Council to provide input on the RFQ process to <br />the City Manager rather than to the Committee members, and to direct additions to <br />the list of potential developers to the City Manager as well. <br />12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Gregory commented that he attended the Green Building Forum which was <br />held last Wednesday. He noted that Councilmembers Prola and Souza also attended, and he <br />stated that he hoped it would become an annual event. Councilmember Gregory gave kudos <br />to Planner Sally Barron and the Planning intern for arranging the event. Last Thursday, <br />Councilmember Gregory attended an event at the Jack London Aquatics Center on behalf of <br />City Attorney Williams. He commented that it was a marvelous event, and he hoped that a <br />similar venue could be considered at the Shoreline-Marina area. <br />Vice Mayor Grant announced that the City Council team, comprised of herself and <br />Councilmembers Souza and Gregory, will be competing in the Trivia Bee. She noted that <br />tickets to the event have been provided to the Council. Vice Mayor Grant commented that <br />she attended the NAACP's annual banquet on behalf of Mayor Santos and the City. At the <br />event, Bobbie Brooks, an esteemed educator in Alameda County, was honored with a <br />commendation for her many years of work in the field of education. Vice Mayor Grant <br />commented that she has received glowing comments about the San Leandro Family Aquatics <br />Center by people from other cities in the Bay Area. Vice Mayor Grant commented on the <br />untimely death of San Leandro High School student Greg Ballard, Jr. and on the need for <br />policies to control access to handguns and for more recreational and educational activities for <br />our youth. <br />Councilmember Souza commented that she also attended the Green Building Forum and <br />added her kudos to Sally Barron and the Planning staff. Councilmember Souza commented <br />that she also attended the Bancroft Middle School Field opening and the Timothy Drive <br />meeting. She expressed concerns regarding the voting process and closing Timothy Drive. <br />Councilmember Starosciak commented that she also attended the Timothy Drive meeting, <br />and noted the need for the City to research the options, recognize that the residents do not <br />want changes to their street, and have more dialogue on the matter. Councilmember <br />Starosciak announced that her Trivia Bee team, the Trivia Bee Amateurs, will be made up of <br />herself, her father and her best friend. She asked if there would be reserved spaces for the <br />Council at the Trivia Bee. She wished those members traveling to China a good time. <br />Councilmember Stephens commented that this morning he observed a Public Works <br />maintenance crew hard at work on a street. He remarked that it was gratifying to see their <br />industriousness. <br />Councilmember Prola commented that he also attended the Green Building Forum, and <br />remarked that more developers are building green and finding it lucrative to do so. He <br />commented on the Davis Street Transfer Station community meeting, which is held twice a <br />year. The residents were told that the Davis Street Transfer Station has made a big effort to <br />