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(1) If the unsafe building, structure or premises can reasonably be repaired so <br />that it will no longer exist in violation of the terms of this chapter, it shall be <br />ordered repaired in accordance with the current Building Code or other <br />current Code applicable to the type of substandard conditions requiring <br />repair, or <br />(2) In all cases where an unsafe building cannot be repaired so that it will no <br />longer exist in violation of the terms of this chapter, it shall be vacated and <br />demolished. <br />(b) If the unsafe building is in such condition as to make it dangerous to the health, <br />morals, safety, or general welfare of its occupants, it shall be ordered to be vacated, <br />secured and repaired. <br />Section 7-5-255: NOTICE TO VACATE. <br />(a) Posting. Every notice to vacate shall, in addition to being served as provided in <br />Section 7-5-1135, be posted at or upon each entrance of the building and shall <br />include the following language: <br />UNSAFE <br />DO NOT ENTER OR OCCUPY <br />It is a misdemeanor to occupy or enter this <br />building, or to remove or deface this notice. <br />Building Official <br />City of San Leandro <br />(b) Compliance. Whenever such notice is posted, the building official shall include a <br />notification thereof in the notice and order issued by him under Section 7-5-1120, <br />reciting the emergency and specifying the conditions which necessitate the posting. <br />No person shall remain in or enter any building which has been so posted, except that <br />entry maybe made under permit to repair, demolish or remove such building. No <br />person shall remove or deface any such notice after it is posted until the required <br />repairs, demolition or removal have been completed and a Certificate of Occupancy <br />issued pursuant to the provisions of the Building Code. <br />Section 7-5-260: ENFORCEMENT OF THE ORDER OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR <br />THE BOARD OF APPEALS. <br />(a) Compliance. <br />(1) General. After any order of the building official or the Board of Appeals <br />made pursuant to this Article shall have become final, no person to whom <br />any such order is directed shall fail, neglect or refuse to obey any such order. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2007-024 6 <br />