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240-254 Callan Avenue; PLN2007-00050 3 November 19, 2007 <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not applicable <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />The General Plan Land Use Map designates the subject property for Residential High <br />Density use. The current Zoning Map is consistent with the General Plan and designates the <br />property as a RM -1800 Multi -Family District. The proposed modification of the zoning <br />designation to the lower density RM -2500 District is conditionally compatible with the <br />Residential High Density General Plan designation (General Plan Table 3-2). <br />As proposed with five units, the overall site density would equate to approximately 15 <br />units per acre (five units on 14,500 square feet, or one unit per 2,900 square feet). The <br />existing RM -1800 zoning could permit a density of up to 24 units per acre, or eight units <br />on the subject property. Although the project does not require a rezoning of the base <br />district from RM -1800 to RM -2500, it has been the City's practice to rezone the base <br />district so it reflects the proposed density. <br />The following General Plan policies are relevant to this residential project: <br />Policy 2.05: Alterations, Additions and Infill <br />Ensure that alterations, additions and infill development are compatible with existing <br />homes and maintain aesthetically pleasing neighborhoods. <br />Policy 3.01: Mix of Unit Types <br />Encourage a mix of residential development types in the City, including single-family <br />homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, live -work units, <br />planned unit developments and multi family housing. <br />Policy 3.04: Promotion of Infill <br />Encourage infill development on vacant or underused sites within residential areas. <br />Policy 53.03-C — In Lieu Fees for Affordable Housing <br />Implement City policy on the payment of in -lieu fees as an alternative to meeting the City <br />inclusionary housing requirements on-site. While the City encourages inclusionary units <br />to be provided on-site, this may not be feasible in all instances (for instance, when the <br />project contains fewer than six units). Formal criteria for allowing in -lieu fees are <br />established and a consistent formula for determining the fees has been adopted. <br />The project architecture for the new homes is well conceived. They are well appointed <br />with the use of a variety of exterior materials and visual details. All four sides of the <br />homes, the Callan Avenue front facing elevation, and the interior elevations facing the <br />driveway are articulated with a variety of architectural treatments. These design features <br />would contribute in enhancing the Callan Avenue streetscape and the appearance within <br />the interior of the project. <br />