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240-254 Callan Avenue; PLN2007-00050 4 November 19, 2007 <br />The existing site with one two-family home is underutilized. The project site is well <br />situated near the East 14th Street and Davis Street transit corridors. The site is also <br />conveniently located near the immediate vicinity of the San Leandro Downtown area (i.e., <br />Downtown Plaza Shopping Center). <br />The proposal will provide an opportunity for ownership of three individual units. The <br />existing duplex appears in good condition. Moreover, with the necessary conditions relating <br />to landscaping, fencing, building code compliance, property maintenance, and the creation <br />of CC&Rs (Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions), the appearance of the property will be <br />enhanced and maintained in an attractive and clean manner. The required in -lieu fee for <br />affordable housing would benefit the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund in providing <br />and/or assisting in future inclusionary housing projects in the City. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />The front setback and rear setback of 15 feet meets the minimum requirement of 15 feet <br />in the RM -2500 District. The easterly and westerly side setbacks meet the minimum <br />requirement of six feet. However, relative to single-family development standards, the <br />proposed small lot single-family development inherently has shallow setbacks between <br />the proposed new buildings of only four- to six -feet. The reduced setbacks however <br />provide sufficient separation for light, air and ventilation, and would meet Building and <br />Fire Codes. The proposed height to the ridge of House 3 would be 31 feet, six inches and <br />is less than the maximum permitted height of 45 feet in the RM -2500 District. <br />Outdoor open space is proposed for the three new homes. The rear setbacks for House 2 <br />and 3 provide at least 750 square feet of yard for each unit. The westerly side of House 1 <br />would have a narrow and limited amount of open space of approximately 720 square feet. <br />However, no outdoor open space is designated for the duplex as the trade-off on the <br />proposed plan in order to comply with the requirement for four off-street parking spaces <br />including the two covered spaces in the new garage. (See attached Planned Development <br />Table). <br />Staff and the Planning Commission believe that the proposed plan is adequately accessed <br />for vehicles and includes appropriate off-street parking for homeowners and visitors. The <br />rezone is considered a reduction in zoning to a less intensive use. For example, the existing <br />RM -1800 zoning could permit a density of 24 units per acre, or up to eight units on the <br />subject property. The RM -2500 zoning would permit a density of only 17 units per acre, or <br />up to five units on the subject property. Required minimum yard setbacks are identical in <br />both zoning districts and the maximum height standards are 45 feet maximum in the RM - <br />2500 and 50 feet maximum in the RM -1800. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project to construct three new residential units is categorically exempt from the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guideline Article 19, <br />Categorical Exemption, Sections 15303 (b) and 15332. Section 15303 (b) provides that <br />new construction in urbanized areas for not more than six units is categorically exempt from <br />CEQA. Section 15332 provides that if a project is consistent with the general plan and the <br />zoning code, is located on a site with no more than five acres, and has no value for <br />