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240-254 Callan Avenue; PLN2007-00050 5 November 19, 2007 <br />endangered or rare or threatened species, and if approval of the project would not result in <br />any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air or water quality, and if all required <br />utilities and public services can adequately serve the site, the residential project is <br />categorically exempt from CEQA. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not applicable <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the rezone and the planned <br />development to develop three new single-family homes and retain the existing duplex, <br />subject to the attached recommended conditions and findings. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The Planning Commission meetings on January 25, 2007 and October 11, 2007 were <br />noticed with a legal advertisement in the Daily Review newspaper, posting of the <br />property on nearby utility poles, and notification of property owners within the 300 -foot <br />radius from the subject property. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Not applicable <br />Budget Authority <br />Not applicable <br />Attachments: <br />1. Vicinity Map <br />2. Planned Development Table <br />3. Excerpts of the Minutes of the October 11, 2007 Planning Commission Public Hearing <br />4. Planning Commission Staff Report dated October 11, 2007, without attachments <br />5. Excerpts of the Minutes of the January 25, 2007 Planning Commission Work Session <br />6. Recommended Findings of Fact <br />7. Recommended Conditions of Approval <br />S. Exhibit A - Project Data — Title Sheet (Sheet AO) <br />9. Exhibit B - Site Plan (Sheet Al) <br />10. Exhibit C - House 1 First Floor Plan (Sheet A2) <br />11. Exhibit D - House 1 Second Floor Plan (Sheet A3) <br />12. Exhibit E - House 1 South (Callan Avenue Facing) and West Elevations (Sheet A4) <br />13. Exhibit F - House 1 East and North Elevations (Sheet A5) <br />14. Exhibit G - House 1 Cross Sections (Sheet A6) <br />15. Exhibit H - House 2 First Floor Plan (Sheet A7) <br />16. Exhibit I - House 2 Second Floor Plan (Sheet AS) <br />17. Exhibit J - House 2 East and North Elevations (Sheet A9) <br />1S. Exhibit K - House 2 West and South Elevations (Sheet A10) <br />19. Exhibit L - House 2 Cross Sections (Sheet Al l) <br />20. Exhibit M - House 3 First Floor Plan (Sheet Al2) <br />21. Exhibit N — House 3 Second and Third Floor Plans (Sheet A13) <br />22. Exhibit O - House 3 Elevations (Sheet A14) <br />23. Exhibit P - House 3 Cross Sections (Sheet A15) <br />