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City/SLUSD Liaison Committee Highlights <br />November 7, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />2. Discussion Re~arding~Project Management for San Leandro High School Parking Lot <br />City Manager Jermanis presented the concept of the City taking over project management <br />for the high school parking lot. This would work in a manner similar to the City's <br />management of the Bancroft playfield project. The advantages are effective City <br />management and less expensive project management costs. Vice President Cassidy <br />mentioned that the school district had a "Wage stabilization project" requirement. The <br />City and district staff will continue looking into this concept. <br />3. Discussion Re arding 9th Grade Campus Gymnasium <br />City Manager Jermanis stated that the City has been working with the school district on <br />design of the 9th grade campus and gymnasium. There are certain upgrades that the City <br />wishes to have incorporated into the project. Some of the costs of these upgrades maybe <br />appropriate for the Redevelopment Agency to contribute towards. In addition, the group <br />discussed joint development and use of the gymnasium by the City during non-school <br />hours. Board Member Hague commented that Pleasanton and the Pleasanton schools do <br />many joint use projects which are beneficial to that community. The group expressed <br />general support to continue looking into and negotiating on project enhancements and <br />City joint use of the new gymnasium. <br />4. Discussion Re ardin~ San Leandro Hi,~h School Swimming Pool <br />City Manager Jermanis reported that the City would no longer maintain the high school <br />swimming pool, as the City had costs of approximately $70,000, but was only receiving <br />$30,000 from the school district. Facilities Managers, Mike Murphy and Greg Dyer gave <br />an update on the pool's condition. The most pressing need is for the pool to be re- <br />plastered. This would cost approximately $70,000, of which the Drowning barrel's have <br />promised to provide $25,000. Much of the pool's plumbing and pump system. have <br />recently been replaced, however, the decking and the work should also be looked at. <br />Recreation Manager Cronin commented. that the Aquatics Task Force had rated the high <br />school competitive pool as high value, particularly if improved access with the new <br />parking lot is provided for the public. There is general consensus for the school district <br />and City staff to investigate improvements to the high school swimming pool, including <br />plastering and possibly decking. The swim season starts February 2008. Mayor Santos <br />reported that he wanted to bring before the full Council capital improvement priorities are <br />during a January 2008 retreat. <br />