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MINUTES Page 2 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Economic Development Agency and San Leandro Redevelopment <br />Agency Joint Meeting-November 5, 2007 <br />addressed the potential economic development opportunities and business alliances <br />between San Leandro and the cities in China visited by the delegation. <br />Councilmember Stephens commented that he was honored to be a part of the delegation <br />and that it was an extraordinary experience. Councilmember Stephens remarked that he <br />was amazed that it was a communist country, because there seemed to be a strong <br />capitalistic attitude demonstrated by the people. <br />Assistant City Manager Hollister commented that it was a fascinating trip, and he found <br />the people to be very friendly and open to Americans. He stated that as a City <br />employee, he would like to go back and spend time with their city staff to learn how <br />they deal with the tremendous growth they are experiencing, and how their governments <br />operate and provide services to their citizens. <br />Mayor Santos stated that he believed cities in China are attempting to be leaders in <br />international trade and are making a determined effort to create relationships with U.S. <br />cities. Mayor Santos commented that through the efforts of the community and groups <br />such as the Zhongshan Association, attention is being drawn to San Leandro. He shared <br />some of his experiences and insights from the trip and remarked that it was an <br />unforgettable experience. Mayor Santos thanked Councilmember Stephens, Assistant <br />City Manager Hollister, and all the members of the delegation for making the trip. <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS-CITY COUNCIL <br />Public Hearing Comments are limited to 5 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and submit it <br />to the City Clerk so the order of speakers maybe determined and an official record of names <br />and addresses obtained. <br />A. Matter of Adoption of State-Mandated California Building Standards Codes and <br />Related Amendments (adopts ordinances passed to print on October 1, 2007). <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, City <br />Manager Jermanis gave background on the item and introduced Assistant City <br />Manager Steve Hollister. Mr. Hollister commented on the Code adoption process and <br />the feedback received from the Plumbers Union on the requirement for metal pipes <br />rather than PVC pipes for drainage in buildings. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />There being no comments from the public, and without objection, the Public Hearing <br />was closed. <br />• Ordinance No. 2007-022, an Ordinance Repealing Article 1 and Adding Article 1 <br />to Chapter 5 of Title VII of the San Leandro Municipal Code, Amending the <br />