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,~ <br />V. FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />A. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the project shall comply with all the <br />applicable Building and Fire Codes. Prior to issuance of building permits, final <br />site plans and building plans shall be submitted to the City Building Services <br />Division and Fire Department for review and approval by the fire department. <br />B. The fire flow water requirement and hydrant spacing requirement for the <br />townhouse project shall be subject to the review and approval of the Alameda <br />County Fire Department. The required fire flow for this project shall be 2,500 <br />gallons per minute (gpm) for 120 minutes. This is based on approximately 18,342 <br />square feet of building area that is proposed. If the project is sprinklered the fire <br />flow may be reduced to 1,500 gpm for 120 minutes. Fire Hydrant locations were <br />not noted on plan. Additional hydrants may be required for this project based on <br />the final fire flow calculations submitted to the Fire Department. <br />C. Fire sprinklers for each unit shall be required for this project. <br />D. The side windows in the flexible spaces in the ground floor of Units No. 1 and 9 <br />shall be protected with fire rated windows to the satisfaction of the Fire <br />Department. <br />E. Afire sprinkler monitoring system shall be required for this residential project. <br />The system shall comply with NFPA 72 and City of San Leandro Municipal Code <br />requirements. <br />F. The flexible home business areas within the ground floor of the units of this <br />project shall be required to be one hour separated from the remainder of the <br />building. <br />VI. PROJECT SITE IMPROVEMENTS <br />A. All garage doors shall be a roll-up sectional type with windows or simulated <br />windows on the top sections of the doors. <br />B. All garages shall have electronic, remote control garage door openers. <br />C. All electrical, gas, and water meters shall be located such that they will not be <br />visible from the streets, or these units shall be screened or enclosed. <br />D. Within the habitable areas of the dwellings, exterior sound transmission control <br />measures shall be provided to prevent the intrusion of exterior noise. Prior to <br />approval of building permits, the developer shall submit evidence that interior <br />noise levels attributable to exterior sources will not exceed 45 dBA in any <br />habitable room. <br />Agreement to Conditions <br />PLN2005-00049 <br />July 18, 2005 <br />Page 9 of 17 <br />