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`1 <br />F. Prior to approval of the Final Map, 10 copies of the proposed Conditions, <br />Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be submitted for the review and <br />approval of the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Community Development <br />Director. The CC&R's shall specify the responsibilities of the homeowners and <br />the homeowner's association (HOA) with respect to maintenance of easements, <br />driveways, walkways, landscaped setbacks, common areas, perimeter walls and <br />fencing. The CC&R's shall also specify the review authority of the HOA or <br />prohibitions for private improvements such as detached accessory structures, <br />additions, and any significant exterior changes to the homes. The CC&R's shall <br />include provisions that the semi-private front patio areas can be furnished with <br />plants and patio furniture, however the CC&Rs shall prohibit umbrellas, outdoor <br />storage and prohibit a cluttered appearance of the front patio areas. <br />G. The CC&R's shall include a provision in which the homeowners and/or residents <br />within the subdivision shall not park or store boats, trailers, camper tops, <br />inoperable vehicles and the like outside the buildings, within the project. In <br />addition, the CC&R's shall include a provision in which the homeowners shall <br />not obstruct the garage to prevent its use for vehicle parking. <br />H. All exterior mechanical equipment such as air conditioning/heating units and <br />radio/television antennas shall be screened from view so as not to be visible from <br />adjacent properties or streets to the satisfaction of the Community Development <br />Director. This condition shall not apply to wireless cable receivers that do not <br />exceed three feet in diameter. <br />I. All walls, fences, and landscaping within 25 feet of any street intersection or <br />driveway shall be maintained at a height of not more than 36 inches above the top <br />of the nearest adjacent curb and gutter to allow for adequate sight distance, or <br />unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. <br />J. A range of energy conservation measures, such as use of energy-conserving <br />appliances and indoor and outdoor lighting, shall be incorporated into the final <br />building plans, to substantially reduce average per capita daily consumption. <br />K. The approvals granted by the City as a result of this application, as well as the <br />Conditions of Approval, shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County. <br />Agreement to Conditions <br />PLN2005-00049 <br />July 18, 2005 <br />Page 16 of 17 <br />