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Inst 2005505304
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2005505304
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Last modified
11/21/2007 12:09:20 PM
Creation date
11/21/2007 12:09:19 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Document Date (6)
Recorded Document Type
Agreement to Conditions
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Permit Issuance and may be adjusted to reflect any change in the ENR Construction Cost <br />Index. <br />Z. Design review fees, development impact fees, permit fees, inspection fees, and any other fees <br />charged by the City or other reviewing agencies for the review, approval, permitting and <br />inspection of the above listed public improvements shall be paid by the Developer. <br />AA. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, the Subdivider shall provide the City Engineer with an <br />updated Preliminary Title Report, prepared within three months prior to the submittal of the <br />Final Map to the City Engineer for review, for all lands contained within the boundary of the <br />Final Map. <br />BB. All typical street fixtures, including but not limited to fire hydrants, electroliers, signs, and <br />utility boxes, shall be located within the P.U.E.. Where not feasible due to water table or <br />other reasons, appurtenant equipment for underground utilities shall be placed in areas <br />screened by landscaping. <br />CC. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall obtain City Council approval of <br />the Final Map and enter into Subdivision and Public Improvement Agreements and other <br />agreements required by the City Engineer for the project. <br />DD. Prior to the recordation of the final map with the Alameda County Recorder, Subdivider shall <br />submit to the City Engineer a computer disk with a file of the points and lines of the final <br />map in an AutoCAD-readable format compatible with the City's Automated Mapping <br />System. Additional Subdivider is to provide a computer disk that includes AutoCAD- <br />readable files of the public and private improvements, PDF files of geotechnical reports, <br />hydraulic reports and any other required submitted documents. <br />XI. GENERAL CONDITIONS <br />A. Prior to approval of the Final Map, a lighting plan (photometric study) and specific exterior <br />lighting details regarding location, candle power, and light levels shall be reviewed and <br />approved by the City Engineer. The street lighting shall be a decorative pole and fixture. <br />Details and specifications of said decorative street lighting shall be submitted to the <br />Community Development Director and City Engineer for review and approval. <br />B. All street lighting shall an energy conserving light and shall be designed and located so as <br />not to interfere with traffic on adjacent streets and so as not to shine on adjacent properties, <br />details subject to the approval of the City Engineer. <br />C, Prior to approval of the Final Map, 10 copies of the proposed Conditions, Covenants and <br />Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be submitted for the review and approval of the City Attorney, <br />City Engineer and the Community Development Director. The CC&R's shall specify the <br />responsibilities of the homeowners and the homeowner's association (HOA) with respect <br />to maintenance of easements, driveways, walkways, landscaped setbacks, common areas, <br />perimeter walls and fencing. The CC&R's shall also specify the review authority of the <br />HOA or prohibitions for private improvements such as detached accessory structures, <br />additions, and any significant exterior changes to the homes. The CC&R's shall include <br />Agreement to Conditions September 6, 2005 <br />Pi,N2005-00065 Page 11 of 12 <br />
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