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E. Prior to approval of the final building plans for building permits, the developer shall submit <br />evidence that all residences comply with Title 24 Code, to the satisfaction of the Building <br />Official. <br />F. All house plans shall be engineered by a registered structural engineer retained by the <br />developer. To minimize the risk of damage to any development from strong ground <br />shaking during an earthquake, structures shall be constructed using the site-specific <br />provisions of the most recent construction code enforced by the City. <br />G. Final building plans submitted for building permit shall incorporate a range of water <br />conservation measures to substantially reduce average per capita daily use. These measures <br />shall include the use of equipment, devices and methods for plumbing fixtures and <br />irrigation that provide for long-term efficient water use, subject to the review and approval <br />of the Community Development Director. <br />VL FENCING AND SCREENING REQUIREMENTS <br />A. All fencing and walls on the project site shall be structurally sound, graffiti- free and well <br />maintained at all times. <br />B. Barbed or razor wire shall not be installed on any fence, wall or building on the project site. <br />C. Electrical transformers shall be vaulted underground. In the event that the transformer <br />cannot be undergrounded, it shall be screened from view consistent with the access <br />requirements of PG&E. Details for screening shall be subject to the review and approval of <br />the Community Development Director. <br />VII. MAINTENANCE <br />A. The project site shall be well maintained and shall be kept free of litter, debris and weeds at <br />all times; during construction, the site shall be well maintained and shall be kept free of <br />litter, debris and weeds. <br />B. Any graffiti shall be promptly removed from building walls, perimeter soundwalls and/or <br />fences. The developer and its successors in interest shall comply with the rules and <br />regulations of the City's graffiti removal program and shall grant a license and right of <br />entry as requested to enforce the terms of such program. <br />C. All landscaping improvements shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition at all <br />times. <br />D. Upon demolition or removal of existing structures and improvements, the site shall be <br />enclosed with a security fence and shall be well maintained in a neat manner, free of <br />weeds, litter and debris. <br />Agreement to Conditions September 6, 2005 <br />PLN2005-00065 Page 6 of 12 <br />