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reservations, or other exactions imposed on this Project by these Conditions of <br />Approval) will begin on the date of the conditional approval of this Project. If you <br />fail to file a protest within this 90-day period, complying with all of the <br />requirements of Government Code Section 66020, you will be legally barred from <br />later challenging any such fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions. <br />C. Prior to occupancy, the applicant and/or owner shall repair any damaged sidewalk, <br />driveway, curb and gutter along the project frontage to the satisfaction of the City <br />Engineer. <br />D. Prior to occupancy, a final parking plan shall be submitted for the review and <br />approval of the City Traffic Engineer. Parking spaces shall be dimensioned to meet <br />the City's current Parking Standards as indicated in City Standard Plan DWG No. <br />600. Handicapped Parking spaces shall be dimensioned to meet the City's current <br />standards as indicated in City Standard Plan DWG No. 602. <br />E. Any trash enclosures and/or recycling areas shall be completely covered; no other <br />area shall drain onto this area. <br />F. Vehicle repair and maintenance shall be performed in a designated area indoors. <br />G. The vehicle service facilities shall not contain floor drains unless the floor drains are <br />connected to wastewater pretreatment systems prior to discharge to the sanitary <br />sewer, for which an industrial waste discharge permit has been obtained. <br />H. Tanks, containers or sinks used for parts cleaning or rinsing shall not be connected <br />to the storm drain system. Tanks, containers or sinks used for such purposes may <br />only be connected to the sanitary sewer system if allowed by an industrial waste <br />discharge permit. <br />I. No person shall dispose of, nor permit the disposal, directly or indirectly, of vehicle <br />fluids, hazardous materials, or rinse water from parts cleaning operations into storm <br />drains. <br />J. No vehicle fluid removal shall be performed outside a building, nor on asphalt or <br />ground surfaces. Leaking vehicle fluids shall be contained or drained from the <br />vehicle immediately. <br />K. No person shall leave unattended drip parts or other open containers containing <br />vehicle fluid, unless such containers are in use or in an area that cannot discharge to <br />the storm drain, such as an area with secondary containment. <br />Agreement to Conditions October 20, 2005 <br />PLN2005-00089 Page 7 of 8 <br />