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the property. <br />D. No wrecked vehicles, discarded auto parts, or any auto parts shall be stored on the <br />property; no long-term storage of vehicles is permitted on the property; vehicle <br />parking shall be limited to vehicles that are scheduled for servicing. <br />E. Employees and customers shall be instructed by the applicant and/or property owner <br />not to park on the street in front of nearby businesses. <br />F. Prior to commencement of business, employee-parking spaces shall be designated <br />on the property. <br />G. There shall be no dismantling or salvaging of vehicles on the site. <br />H. There shall be no razor wire installed on the property. <br />I. The project site shall be well maintained and shall be kept free of litter, debris and <br />weeds at all times. <br />J. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition at all times. <br />Any damaged or dead plant material shall be promptly replaced with a plant <br />material similar in type and comparable in size to the plant(s) being removed. <br />K. Any graffiti shall be promptly removed from the property. <br />L. The applicant shall keep the entire site free of litter accumulations, including <br />removal of litter, which collects against the building or in the landscaped areas <br />facing Alvarado Street. <br />M. All vehicle storage on the site shall be undertaken in a neat and orderly manner at all <br />times. <br />N. Any stains on the public right-of--way associated with vehicles serviced on the site <br />shall be removed promptly from the public right of ways as directed by the <br />Community Compliance Division of the City of San Leandro Police Department. <br />O. The vehicle repair business shall be subject to a review within six months of this <br />Conditional Use approval to determine if vehicular parking impacts or traffic <br />circulation impacts or outdoor visual nuisances are evident from the use of the <br />property. Should there be complaints regarding parking, traffic or visual nuisances <br />outside the building, the Community Development Director shall review the <br />issue(s) and recommend mitigation measures and /or refer the matter back to the <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments for consideration. Measures for mitigation shall be <br />required. Failure to conform to the required conditions shall result in consideration <br />of revocation of the use permit and the cessation of the business. <br />Agreement to Conditions October 20, 2005 <br />PLN2005-00089 Page 5 of 8 <br />