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RECORDING REQUESTED BY: <br />City of San Leandro <br />Planning Division <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />Marian Handa, City Clerk <br />City of San Leandro <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />~,~,~ ~~ a<q~ ~~~~~~~~~~1 111281~fl~~ ~g ~ 14 ~~ <br />J' _ ~~~ ~ FFI~Ii~,L ~t. ,K!~.=~ t;~= h~H,,~-J~~ 4~Ji~Pas`r <br />~ Pp7RIC~C r~CDNNE~L <br />RECCR~I"dv FEE: i7.0~ <br />Cq(~FOPN;T <br />i <br />,r,Vti <br />~' <br />~~ <br />~~ ~ ~ OF SAN LEAIVDRa <br />THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONL <br />(No fee pursuant to govt code 27383) FEf~ U y LUUb <br />AGREEMENT TO CONDITIONS CITY CLERK'S O'~~lCE <br />PLN2005-00095 <br />1575 Dayton Avenue (Northeast Corner of Dayton Avenue and Thoits Street) <br />Mohamed Kobaree (Applicant and Property Owner) <br />THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal <br />corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City," and Mohamed Kobaree, an Individual, hereinafter <br />referred to as "applicants" and "property owners". <br />Applicant applied for and received an approval for a Major Site Plan Review to construct atwo- <br />story addition comprising approximately 1,608 square feet to the rear of the existing home (804 <br />square feet per floor). Pursuant to Section 2-580 of the City of San Leandro Zoning Code, a Major <br />Site Plan Review is required for any addition which exceeds 100% of the existing floor area of an <br />existing home. The proposed addition comprises of approximately 1,608 square feet and exceeds <br />the existing habitable floor area of the home, which is 1,081 square feet. 1575 Dayton Avenue <br />(northeast corner of Dayton Avenue at Thoits Street); Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Number <br />84G-1387-241. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Zoning Code, it is <br />mutually agreed as follows: <br />1. Applicant agrees to comply with the Conditions of Approval set forth by the City of San <br />Leandro Zoning Enforcement Official (ZEO), more specifically described in the list of Conditions <br />of Approval, attached hereto, and as described in the exhibits on file in the Community <br />Development Department, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. <br />2. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and <br />their respective heirs, successors, and assigns. <br />3. City is authorized to record this agreement and any amendments thereto with the <br />Alameda County Recorder, California. All amendments hereto must be in writing and signed by <br />the appropriate authorities of the City and Applicant. If recorded, Applicant will be charged the <br />costs of recordation and agrees to pay same. To Be Recorded: X Yes _No. <br />Agreement to Conditions October 4, 2005 <br />PLN2005-00095 Page 1 of 5 <br />