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collected to prevent entry to the storm drain system. If any cleaning agent or <br />degreaser is used, washwater shall not discharge to the storm drains; washwaters <br />should be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer. Discharges to the <br />sanitary sewer are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the sanitary <br />district with jurisdiction for receiving the discharge. <br />T. Food retailers (including restaurants and grocery stores), where deemed <br />appropriate, must be designed with a contained area for cleaning mats, equipment <br />and containers. This contained wash area shall be covered or designed to prevent <br />run-on or runoff from the area. The area shall not discharge to the storm drains; <br />washwaters should drain to the sanitary sewer, or collected for ultimate disposal to <br />the sanitary sewer. Employees shall be instructed and signs posted indicating that <br />all washing activities shall be conducted in this area. Sanitary connections are <br />subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the sanitary district with <br />jurisdiction for receiving the discharge. <br />U. Food compactor storage areas, as appropriate, must be designed to drain leaks to <br />the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and <br />conditions of the sanitary district with jurisdiction for receiving the discharge. <br />V. FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />A. Project will have to comply with all 2001 California Fire and Building Code <br />Requirements. <br />B. An approved fire alarm system shall be provided as required by Article 10, <br />Section 1007.2.14 of the San Leandro Uniform Fire Code. <br />VI. FENCING AND SCREENING <br />A. Any perimeter or screen fencing shall be structurally sound and well-maintained at <br />all times. Any damage to the fences or walls shall be promptly replaced ar <br />repaired. <br />B. Any new roof top or exterior mechanical equipment for the building such as air <br />conditioning/heating units, venting, or radio/television antennas shall be screened <br />from view so as not to be visible from adjacent properties or streets to the <br />satisfaction of the Community Development Director. <br />C. No barbed wire or ribbon wire shall be installed on any wall, fence or building on <br />the property. <br />D. Trash enclosures and recycling bins shall be screened from view with landscaping <br />in healthy growing conditions. Said screening shall be subject to review and <br />approval by the Community Development Director. <br />Agreement to Conditions November 17, 2005 <br />PLN2005-00111 Page 8 of 8 <br />