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Inst 2006295632
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2006295632
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Last modified
11/21/2007 12:46:58 PM
Creation date
11/21/2007 12:46:58 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Agreement to Conditions
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H. All litter associated with the business located within 1,000 feet of the property <br />boundaries shall be picked up daily. <br />VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REQUIREMENTS <br />A. The contractor shall comply with the City's Construction and Demolition <br />Ordinance for job site recycling during the demolition/construction phases, to the <br />satisfaction of the Environmental Services Manager. <br />B. On-site refuse enclosures for the retail/office building shall be of adequate size to <br />accommodate a solid waste container and a recycling container (minimum 10' x <br />12' dimensions). The enclosure shall be easily accessible to collection vehicles <br />and personnel. A concrete slab (minimum 6-inches thick) shall be constructed in <br />front of the enclosure door to prevent damage to the asphalt from bin impact. The <br />slab shall be size appropriately to accommodate a bin (approximately 4' x 8'). <br />IX. CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS <br />A. Construction on the project site shall not commence prior to 7:00 a.m. and shall <br />cease by 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and prior to 8 a.m and shall cease by <br />7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, unless otherwise approved by the Chief Building <br />Official. There shall be no construction on Federal holidays. Interior construction <br />such as sheet rock taping and texturing, painting, the installation and similar <br />activity shall be permitted outside the above hours provided that construction <br />noise shall not be detectable outside of the structures being built. <br />B. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise or safety hazards for adjacent <br />residents and properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked onto East 14r~ Street <br />or Fairmont Drive from the project site during construction. <br />C. Standard construction dust control procedures, such as wetting, daily roadwashing <br />and other maintenance functions to control emissions, shall be implemented at all <br />times during outdoor construction. Dust generating activities such as grading, <br />excavation, paving etc., shall be scheduled the early morning and other hours <br />when wind speeds are low. All construction activities entailing soil disturbance <br />shall cease when winds exceed 30 miles per hour as an hourly average. <br />D. The developer shall prepare a construction truck route plan that would restrict <br />trucks to arterial streets that have sufficient pavement section to bear the heavy <br />truck traffic, thereby minimizing noise and traffic impacts to the community. The <br />constriction truck route plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City <br />Engineering and Transportation Department prior to receipt of the grading permit. <br />E. Truck hauling activities shall be restricted to 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There shall be <br />no truck hauling activity on Saturdays, Sundays and Federal holidays. <br />Agreement to Conditions November 17, ?005 <br />PLN2005-00111 Page 10 of 10 <br />
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