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4A Public Hearing 2007 1203
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Packet 2007 1203
4A Public Hearing 2007 1203
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11/28/2007 4:17:05 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Economic Development and Public Improvements: Objectives and Programs <br />Economic Development Objective: Improve the economic health of the Plaza by assisting the <br />private sector to maintain a balanced business base with an appropriate mix of retail and office <br />and support new infill housing. <br />The Agency's aim with regard to economic development is to improve the economic health of <br />and encourage private investment in the Plaza. Specific programs and initiatives undertaken <br />during the years governed by the 2004-2009 Implementation Plan, and implemented in pursuit of <br />this objective, follow: <br />Economic Development Programs: <br />• Construction was completed on the West Estudillo Pedestrian Enhancements. This <br />project included aesthetic improvements to the downtown's pedestrian connection to the <br />Downtown BART station, including new pedestrian scale lighting, undergrounding of <br />utilities and other streetscape improvements. Public art, in the form of the San Leandro <br />History Walk, was also installed as part of this project. <br />• As part of the Agency's continued work to improve public transit use and the pedestrian <br />environment, the City adopted the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented <br />Development (TOD) Strategy, which is a comprehensive plan for the Smart Growth of <br />downtown San Leandro and the area around the Downtown BART Station. The TOD <br />Strategy supports higher density housing and mixed-use development. A certified EIR <br />provides for the development of 3,431 residential units, 718,000 sq ft of office space, and <br />121,000 sq ft of retail space. Implementation of the TOD Strategy will result in a <br />vibrant, pedestrian friendly downtown that provides a wide variety of services and access <br />to excellent regional public transit. <br />• As part of the TOD Strategy, staff has continued to facilitate the development of the <br />Westlake Property on Martinez Street, working closely with the property owners and <br />BART. <br />• The Agency has contracted for the preliminary design of an approximately 500 space <br />Estudillo-Callan parking garage to serve the Plaza and Joint Project Areas. <br />• The Agency continues to facilitate development of Agency-owned infill property on <br />Davis Street into appropriate uses. The Agency-owned former fire station at 1040 Davis <br />Street was developed as a professional office complex. Across the street at 1141 Davis <br />Street, a vacant parcel sold by the Agency in 2004 was developed into nine quality <br />townhomes. <br />• In August 2007 the Commercial Rehabilitation Program was resurrected to assist <br />property owners and tenants in making aesthetic improvements to existing commercial <br />buildings. The Program provides access to capital through forgivable loans. <br />Mid-Term Review Page 3 <br />
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