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IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION N0.2007- RDA <br />RESOLUTION APPROVIi~TG THE MID-TERM REVIEW OF THE <br />SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2004-2009 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN <br />WHEREAS, on December 6, 2004, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro <br />("Agency") approved Resolution 2004-023 RDA adopting an implementation plan (San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency 2004-2009 Implementation Plan) containing the specific goals and <br />objectives of the Agency for the Plaza Project Area, the Alameda County-City of San Leandro (the <br />"Joint") Project Area, and the West San Leandro-MacArthur Boulevard (the "WSL/MacArthur") <br />Project Area, including specific programs, potential projects and estimated expenditures proposed <br />to be made during the following five years as required by Section 33490 of the California Health & <br />Safety Code; and <br />WHEREAS, the Agency is required, at least once within the five-year term of an <br />implementation plan, to conduct a public hearing and hear testimony of all interested parties for the <br />purpose of reviewing the redevelopment plan and the corresponding implementation plan for the <br />project areas and evaluating the progress of the redevelopment project; and <br />WHEREAS, the Agency has caused to be prepared a report entitled "The Mid-Term <br />Review of the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency 2004-2009 Implementation Plan (the "Mid- <br />Term Review")", a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; <br />WHEREAS, the Agency is familiar with the Mid-Term Review and desires to hold the <br />public hearing and hear testimony of all interested parties; and <br />WHEREAS, the Executive Director has recommended approval of the Mid-Term Review. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />LEANDRO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: <br />That said Mid-Term Review is hereby approved. <br />Introduced by Agency Member and passed and adopted this 3rd day of <br />December, 2007 by the following called vote: <br />