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Section 9. Section 4-5-230 of the San Leandro Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br />read as follows: <br />"4-5-230 BADGES <br />The Finance Officer shall issue to each permiee at the time of delivery of his permit <br />such identification badges as deemed necessary by the Finance Officer. Badges (peddlers <br />and solicitors only) shall be carried and shall be exhibited to any police officer or other <br />authorized city official on demand and to any person upon whom such peddler or solicitor <br />shall call." <br />Section 10. Section 4-5-235 of the San Leandro Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br />read as follows: <br />"4-5-235 TRANSFER <br />No identification badge issued under the provisions of this Chapter shall be used or <br />worn at any time by any person other than the one to whom it was issued." <br />Section 11. Section 4-5-305 of Chapter 4-5 of the San Leandro Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended to read as follows: <br />"4-5-305 SHORELINE RECREATION AREA (MARINA) <br />No person engaged in the business of peddler, or itinerant merchant shall conduct <br />business within the Shoreline Recreation Area as designated by City Council resolution, also <br />known as the San Leandro Marina, unless such person has a permit issued pursuant to this <br />Chapter which specifically authorizes the peddler or itinerant merchant in the Shoreline <br />Recreation Area or any part thereof. The only permit that maybe issued for the business of <br />peddler, within the San Leandro Marina is one limited to the business of ice cream peddler. <br />Solicitation is prohibited in the Shoreline Recreation Area." <br />Section 12. Article 5 of Chapter 4-5 of the San Leandro Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended to read as follows: <br />"4-5-505 USE OF STREETS <br />(a) No peddler shall have any exclusive right to any location in the public streets, <br />nor shall any be permitted a stationary location (unless otherwise provided) or be permitted <br />to operate in any congested area where his operations might impede or inconvenience the <br />public. <br />(b) No peddler shall stand or park any motorized vehicle or trailer for more than <br />two (2) hours in any particular location, nor shall any peddler stand or park any motorized <br />vehicle or trailer in violation of any section of the San Leandro Municipal Code. <br />974954-5 <br />